27. Whiskey Apparently could be my salvation.

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"Would you be kind enough to pass me your knowledge of all things alcohol?"

"Why? You wanna be a bar lady?"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but no. I want to know my drinks. I am supposed to go remove my hand-cast and the thought of meeting that good doctor again makes me want to have a drink or two."

"In that case, I would suggest starting with wine, since you are not yet familiar with strong alcohols."

"Wine? That doesn't sound strong enough. I think I'd like to know something stronger."

"Then I'll suggest taking a whiskey. But you gotta mix it with an Apple juice just to water it down a little bit."

"Gotta have the whiskey."

"Gotta have the whiskey. Don't forget, Apple juice. Very Important."

That whole conversation between my dear best friend and I happened in the biology classroom a few hours after the hallway drama. Yes, the teacher was still present, busy teaching, but all I could think about was how I just wanted to forget the day altogether.

The removal of my hand-cast was the truth, but that alone would have not been enough to cause me to daydream about alcohol. What really brought me to that was the fact that I could feel all eyes on me. In the hallways between classes, I've been pointed at, whispered about, stopped to be asked some stupid questions, and on top of that, I could feel the rumors climbing high.

Take it extra seriously when I say this. If you can avoid being the topic and attention of the mass, please do it at all costs. Disappear behind the scenes. Be invisible to all other students, whatever I don't care. Just avoid being in the spotlight at all cost goddammit.

It sucks! Big- freaking-time!

When the hour for the lunch break finally slowly, painfully graced us with a bell ringing, I was fed up and a little angry by the time I got to our lunch table. Angry because I felt like I was being attacked. Fed up because, well, nobody wants to be a target of anything.

"Students are crazy." I removed my backpack and sat down. "You're not gonna believe the stupid rumors I had to deal with this entire day."

"I can imagine," said Suzy, "I heard pretty weird things, but just ignore them. I'm sure in a day or two, something new would have come up, and all will be forgotten."

I wanted to ignore every word. I even tried to pretend I couldn't see the murmurs or the subtle fingers pointing my way, but exactly how do you do that in a hall full of students?

Leo cleared his throat and moved a little closer to me. "I heard that Charlotte caught you two red-handed going at it like rabbits. Now, I know there are lots of rumors going around, but I have to ask. Is this particular rumor true?"


"I mean, my mind created this picture where I see the shock on all of y'all faces," he continued like he hasn't seen the daggers I was shooting at him with my eyes. The guy even started laughing.

"Leo, what did I tell you?" Luke asked, looking like he was ready to whack him upside the head. "Seriously, dude, what did I say just a few hours ago?"

"What? Dude, come on. Don't tell me you are not curious as to what went down. I know you must be just as curious as I am. I mean, just picture them and the shock they must have had on their faces in your mind at that time," he said just before doubling over in hysteric. His hand pounding the table over and over in a fit of laughter. "Man, I can't get that picture out of my mind."

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