54. Shitty choices.

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"Psst, Amelia!"

Leo's hissing voice bounced off of my ears amidst the few staggering people around the school parking lot. I turned my head around the area trying to get a glimpse of him to no avail.

"Over here, " he hissed again, and frantically waved his hands above his head, the action that thankfully, caused me to spot him behind his car.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I took rapid steps to his direction. His frantic waves were beginning to not only get my awareness but the attention of those closest to me as well and frankly speaking, I did not need any of that.

I just wanted to blend behind the scenes for once.

"Leo? What on earth are you doing?" I grabbed him on the cuff of his red T-shirt and pulled him behind his car without giving it any thoughts or looking back to see if anybody was looking at as.

The moment we were behind his car, Leo clasped his fingers around the back of my elbow and started directing me in the opposite direction from where we were supposed to be going. "I need to talk to you."

"What? Where are we going?"

He smirked and looked at me through the side of his eyes. "It seemed you gained quite the popularity these days, huh," he said instead and continued to pull me behind the classrooms.

I didn't answer to that, but wasn't that the truth? I've gone from a normal, teenage girl, minding my own business which generally involved  me, studies, and Suzy, to me being the most known person in school. And not by good stories by the way.

So, I kept quiet and let Leo drag me all the way to the backside of the school where to my surprise, Luke stood there against the wall. One leg perched on the bark of the building foundation by the sole of his black sneakers, and his eyes deep, concentrating on his phone while both his thumbs busy typing away.

In yet another confusion, my brows creased, and I threw a questioning look to Leo who only shrugged and kept on walking. I couldn't understand What the hell was going on.

"Do you really think it's a good idea for us to be seen together right now?" I asked this directly to Luke and yanked my hand out of Leo's grasp before I crossed them over my chest.

"Relax, beautiful, " said Leo before he followed Luke's lead and slumped his back against the wall not far from where I stood. "We just wanna know how you're doing."

"And don't worry." Luke straightened up and slid his phone inside the back pocket of his dark blue jeans. "Nobody can see us here."

"Considering some pretty freaky shit that happened in the last what? twenty-eight hours, or so? I especially would like to know how you're handling things, " Leo straight away added, causing both Luke and I to turn our gazes to him.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Somewhere behind the back of my head, the anxiety of someone seeing us there had already started to make my head pound. Their intentions were sweet, to say the least, but hiding behind the school building was not a good idea. Students were cunning and conniving, and you can never know when they were watching.

Someone was always watching.

"How is Suzy?" I asked instead. I genuinely wanted to know what was going on with her. How she was handling things. If she still hated me.

Instead of answering me straight away, Luke watched me. Closely. Like he was trying hard to see... I don't know what the heck he was trying to see, but his blue eyes gazed at me from my head to my toes before they settled back to my face. Looking at me from behind his leads, I couldn't stop the little squirm of my body that caused me to tighten the hold on myself. 

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