49. Apparently, I was a string along kind of girl.

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Margaret stood there, her mouth opening and closing like a fish in dire need of water. I don't think she knew what to say. She obviously knew I was home, but the two boys on either side of me looking at her had come as a complete surprise. Not to mention how disheveled they looked... and probably the looks too had added to her shock.

"Margaret?" I called.

As well as expected, she didn't answer.

She did, however, turn her eyes to me, at least acknowledging she had heard me perfectly, but just too busy staring to answer, then proceeded to look at Ethan, and right back to Logan. They stayed there.

"Err... Do you wanna have a seat?" I asked, not sure what else to say to get her attention.

She blinked. "Here?"

I creased my brows incredulously before I looked around our living room. I would have thought my inviting her to have a seat was clear enough. Apparently not to her with whatever was going on in her head.

"Margaret?" Finally, Dad's voice behind her was strong enough to get her complete attention, breaking the staring spell. "Why are you standing out there for?" He asked before he turned his attention to us, and with wide eyes and a pointed finger, said, "as for the three of you, whatever is going on there, fix it. I don't ever again want to come home to find what I found outside. It's childish, and not a good look to my neighbors, Understood?"

Loud and clear. I bobbed my head frantically agreeing with that. I didn't think I would ever want to witness anything like that, ever.

Satisfied with that, he turned around and marched out of the living room to his bedroom.

Thank God.

Margaret showing up had saved us from the never-ending, awkwardness and insufferable questions and answers, but of course, that left the three of us in yet another series of uncomfortable glances towards each other. Four people if you want to count Margaret who thankfully, had come out of whatever she was under and took a seat dad had occupied earlier.

Even then, none of us spoke. Too much tension, maybe pent-up anger to actually speak. Each of us had their own reasons to be angry about. Me, the boy's unwanted fist-fight outside, the fallout with Suzy and generally just the confusion that seemed to clung to me like a freaking second skin.

Logan, well... I imagine a lot of things must have been going through his head. Prominent one probably the reason he bulldozed his way to my dad's front porch which could only mean he knew about what happened between Luke and I

Ethan, Ethan was a different case. Several reasons could have been why he acted the way he did. Defending himself? That didn't explain why he was so angry though. The only reason I could think about was he was hurt, by me, and my apparent relation he wasn't aware of. Which really didn't make any sense. I don't think I would have been angry if I found out he had a girlfriend. Was I stringing him along? Did I ever do something that gave him some kind of hope between us? I didn't think so. I tried remembering all our encounters, but nothing stood up as me giving him signs.

I needed to have a chat with him as soon as possible.

"So," Margaret broke the silence, and let her eyes wander to each one of us in question. "What happened to you guys?"

None of us volunteered to answer. That was until Ethan abruptly got up from his seat and let out a loud breath. "You know what?" He ran his hand on his hair. "Amelia, I'm just gonna go."

I panicked. Why did I panic? Let me tell you. Ethan has always been cheerily, but the way he said those few words, I didn't like it one bit. I could be wrong but, it felt like he was saying goodbye forever. Like he didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

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