32. Logan's Fury.

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Seven missed calls.

All from Logan.


Leo was apparently a piece of shit who jumped to conclusions and didn't know how to keep his damn mouth shut.

My coffee ... date? I didn't want to call it a date, 'cause it wasn't' but just because right now I don't know what other names to use, I will just call it that for the sake of name-giving, and so I would advise you not to take it to heart, had ended about forty-five minutes after Leo crashed the party. It didn't end vaguely though. Ethan and I had agreed to call it a day with the promise to keep in touch and to see each other again sometime soon for some activities. He promised he would take me for a horse riding.

On my way to my car, I had decided to fish out my phone from my bag and that was when I saw the seven missed calls from Logan. Straight away, I knew Leo had ratted me out. Stupid Leo.

And so, you can imagine how I was in a state of a deer caught in a headlight. I wasn't sure what Leo told him. I wasn't sure whether I should call back or just postpone it. At least for the time being.

In the end, I decided to call back. I surmised the more I kept him waiting, the more he would think I was up to no good.

Without wasting another second, I dialed his number. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath the whole time the phone was ringing until it died down without an answer.

I let out a loud breath and put the phone on the cup holder in my car. Come to think of it; that would have been the first time to actually talk to Logan on the phone if he would have picked up.

The last time he didn't pick up when I called, he was with Charl... I abruptly put an end to that though. I couldn't allow myself to allow those kinds of ideas on my mind. We were dating, and the least I could do was to trust him.

Deciding that I will try to call him back later, I started my car and drove home.


"Mom, I'm home," I called as I walked through the threshold.

There were muffled voices.

And then, mom's Laughter reverberated throughout the entire house. I stopped taking any more steps. That was new. So, I thought maybe the dude. The um... what the hell was his name? Ben. Perhaps he was there?

Her laughter echoed again, bouncing on our embankments for the second time. Not wanting to walk-in on my mom like last time, I decided to call again.

"Mom, I'm back," I called louder this time.

"In the kitchen, honey," she called back, and I decided it was safe for me to go in. She gave me the go, right? Right?

Not in a million years would I have ever been prepared for what I found instead.

The sight got me to stop abruptly. My jaw hung open as my eyes blinked rapidly like they couldn't believe they were really seeing what they were seeing.

There, on our table, sat none other than Logan. One hand clutching a steaming cup of coffee and the other, a chocolate cookie. The toothiest smile I had ever seen, lit up his entire face.

Mom, on the other hand, was still giggling like a teenager in the presence of her crush.

Scattered all over the kitchen table were cookies, a jar of milk, fruits, and a coffee pot. And of course, on my mom's hands, was our family's old photo album.

Slowly, Logan stood up from his chair, walked up to me, and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi, babe. Welcome home."

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