57. Lovely Dates. In our own way.

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Logan showed up at my house around five in the evening looking hot as ever.

I never saw him looking like that. I mean, yes whatever he usually wears makes him look good, but that particular evening everything doubled.

For starters, he wore a light brown, slim fit, casual men's shirt with red cuffs and red collar. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled back, nearly to his elbows and the said shirt was tucked inside his blue jeans, leaving a room to show off his buckle belt with an H metal sign. To finish everything off, Logan wore black dress shoes.

With everything he wore, he looked like he was ready to go to an important meeting. Everything looked professional, but somehow, with the way he carried himself, he managed to make everything look casual.

I stood there, just behind my door, staring at him. Taking everything in like I wanted to imprint his image in my head.

He smirked and ran his eyes slowly from my head to my toes then slowly back up again. "Are you planning to invite me in? Today would be nice."

"Oh, sorry." Color spread on my cheeks, and I pulled the door all the way open. "Please come in. Mom is just in the kitchen."

Speaking of my mom, I came clean to her when I got back home. I told her everything. And no, of course, I left out the part about losing my virginity to the boy she was about to meet again. Can you imagine how awkward that would have been? I told her everything else. About Luke, Suzy, my panic attack, and the meeting we had. I also made sure to make it clear to her how supportive Logan has been. I didn't want her to ever have any ideas of us being together was a bad idea.

I also told her about the date I was going to have and since she knew that was my first date ever. She went all crazy in preparing me something to wear and thanks to her, with the way Logan looked, I managed to at least match him.

About my dress. You can deny all you want, but we all have that one dress tucked away especially for special occasions. We normally wouldn't consider even touching it and until the occasion really calls for it, only then do we dig it out of wherever we had put it. My mom dug mine from behind my wardrobe.

When she did, I was like, 'Mom, don't you think that might be a little too much? Maybe I'll be overdressed and I don't even know where Logan is taking me, yet.' You know what she had answered? 'That's exactly why you need to dress your best.' It didn't make any sense to me whatsoever, but I decided to trust her and when I saw Logan, I was thankful for her.

My dress was Black. Off shoulder, bodycon with a V cut showing off a little bit of my cleavage. The top part was hugging me like a freaking second skin, but just at the end of my waist, it started to flare outward in a multi-layered layer of round fabric, reaching just before my knees and like Logan, to finish off, I had a pair of pointed, four inches, black high heels.

Hand in hand, I walked Logan inside the house and into the kitchen where mom waited.

"Ah, there you are. Looking as beautiful as ever," Logan said that to mom as soon as he walked in, and went straight to give her a peck to the cheek.

I stood there, just behind them with a blush on my cheeks and a smile on my face with nothing to say.

"So, where are you taking my daughter?" Mom asked after Logan settled down on the chair across from her and I took the chair closer to him.

"Oh, Sophia. It's a surprise. Don't wanna spoil it when she's here." He node his head to me.

"Well then, in that case, don't let me keep you. Be sure to bring her back by ten."

I glared at her.

"What?" she shrugged. "I have to be a mother. Okay then, by midnight."

"I'll make sure she's safe, and doesn't get herself in any kind of trouble. See you later."

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