55. Hard rock, crazy friendship.

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There is that moment in any human life where time seems to stand still, or maybe it's moving too fast it looks like it's not moving at all. One of the unexplainable things in the world. Wait, if this is not accurate, and maybe in your time scientists have actually been able to figure this out, you should interrupt me and tell me. After all, this happened at my time. A long time ago. No? Nothing? Well then, I guess things haven't changed that much.

What I was trying to tell you is, at that moment, when the four of us stood there, things started happening in a swoosh of time, so fast I barely got the chance to process what in the crazy of the moment was happening, but my body, in fact, I should say my legs, started moving before my mind caught up to what I was doing.

In a matter of a few seconds, maybe about six. Tops. A number of different things erupted in a turmoil of crazy activities.

After throwing one, brief-teary look at Luke, Suzy took off running in the direction of the school entrance. For some reason I didn't care to stop and think about, I pushed Leo on his chest hard enough to cause him to stumble backward before I took off running after my best friend while yelling her name at the top of my lungs.

Leo managed to right himself just in time and took off running after us.

Luke... well, I don't know what Luke was doing. I didn't care. I didn't think to look back. My goal was to reach my best friend who was sprinting like her life depended on it. I don't think she even knew why she was running in the first place. I guess it was that moment when you just run to try and stay ahead of your problems and at that moment, me, Luke, Leo, everyone was her problem. I wanted to take that weight off of her. I didn't want her to continue thinking ill of me.

So, I ran faster.

And yes, I didn't stop shouting her name like a maniac.

What happened next came as a complete surprise to me. It felt like amidst my running, I blinked and missed when or where he had come from.

I wasn't even that far away from reaching her, but just when I thought I was, I came to a screeching halt when out of nowhere, Logan showed up and collided with Suzy. When I say collided, I don't mean something like, 'he was walking while looking somewhere else and as a result, didn't see her, resulting in bumping into her head first' No. I mean, somewhere between Suzy taking off, effectively causing the rest of us to run like crazy, Logan most probably had seen everything and decided to put an end to the crazy.

He collided with her, yanked her up, off her feet, and held her there.

Suzy, fought him tooth and nails trying to jerk her way out of his vice grip. I knew better. She wasn't going nowhere if he didn't want her to. His hands were like an inescapable cage, solely made for pinning me down. I mean... 'Ahem' holding tightly, without letting go. Shit.

Pardon me. I'm gonna get it together now.

"Hey!" Logan shouted in hopes of getting her to listen. She didn't. She kept on trying to crawl her way out of his hands. "Suzy, what the hell. Calm the fuck down."

"Let go of me, Logan."

"I said calm down."

I stood there, eyes wide, heart pounding like someone was beating it like a drum, and due to my lack, and hate of anything sports, breathing heavily like I couldn't get enough air in the world.

Logan looked at me, then at the person behind me, which not surprisingly was still Leo, and then looked further behind him. Without having to turn around, I knew Luke was there as well.

Finally, seemed after a long time, the five of us stood together at the same place.

Problem was, nobody was happy.

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