47. The path of destruction.

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Things were gonna go to shit and I knew it.

Logan stormed out of his car like a tornado in the desert. Blowing all the sand out of its way, creating a shower of sandstorm.

The amount of force he used to slam his car door shook my insides and made me wince. I was surprised his car windows didn't shutter all over the pavement right then and there.

Like an angry bull, he strode to the side of the car I sat, and bent forward so he could be the same level as the window before, ever so slowly, like he was restraining himself, raised his knuckles and tapped the window.

"Get out."

Chills ran down my spine. The tone he used. I don't think I can ever forget it to this day. I can vividly still hear it in my mind. He didn't shout. That would have been better, I think. At least I would have known exactly what I was in for. He basically just spoke the words 'Get Out' and I'm gonna tell you now, they weight a ton.

The action of him tapping on the window oh, so calmly, didn't fool me. Even if it would have fooled me, his voice and the fire on his eyes would have tipped me off.

My eyes widen. So many questions and scenarios passed through my mind but none of them made any sense.

"Hey! " Ethan shouted, effectively saving me from having to open that door. Which now that I think about it, it didn't make any sense. I was gonna get out of that car. There was no other way around. Of course, unless you want to consider crazy thoughts like running Logan's car over with Ethan's car and drive the hell out of there like crazy people. But I didn't see that happening. "What the hell is wrong with you? You could have caused an accident. Do you even realize that?"

For the first time, like ever, since I knew Ethan. That was the first time I ever heard him shouting. Or even using the word hell.

I never thought I would see the day Ethan got riled up. But of course, Logan could get even a baby to lose their mind. I stared at him as his chest heaved up and down in anger. He didn't return my stare, instead, he bore his eyes at Logan through the closed window.

Logan who up to that point didn't bother with Ethan the slightest, turned his attention to him and I was surprised Ethan didn't burn to a crisp.

"Stay the fuck out of this," he seethed. I could feel Logan's anger like it was my own. I've seen him angry before. I've even seen him lost in his own thoughts, but I never actually seen him in that level of anger. The veins on his neck were up, standing sharp like the way he was restraining himself was hurting him. "This is between me, and my girlfriend."

The moment he was done telling Ethan off, he turned his stormy eyes on me.

Me, who was busy imagining an invisible hole to crawl under.

Me, who for some reason, instead of worrying about my boyfriend, I was busy feeling uneasy about the fact that Logan dropped the girlfriend bomb right there. Ethan and I never talked about whether or not any of us were dating and I don't know, don't get it wrong, I'm not saying I wanted Ethan to think I was single, but I think I wanted to be the one to tell him about... Well, my boyfriend.

"I said get out of the car, Amelia. We need to talk."

I didn't move. I didn't even blink. I stared at him like I had seen a ghost.

Maybe I had.

He was there, at my dad's house. Looking all murderous outside the window of Ethan's car. Meaning, Ethan and Logan met. And not in the best of circumstances.

I mean, nothing was going on between Ethan and me and we were not doing anything but driving out of my dad's front porch, but the way Logan looked at me then, made me feel like I was indeed doing something unthinkable.

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