15. Friends of steel... Comes with Bad Ideas.

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Feel free to correct me on this saying. It is totally made up by yours truly, just FYI.

Girls are Devils. Maybe even bigger Devils than boys. Facts.

Yesterday's devil, nearly had me pull on an all-nighter, condemning me to wake up with under-eye bugs the size of the whole city and the mood so bad it could freeze a passer-by cat to a block of ice. Real talk. To make matters worse, the sky outside perfectly mirrored my mood. Dark and cloudy, like it was trying to tell me I wasn't alone in whatever I was going through. I was.

In the bathroom, it took me much longer than usual to get ready. I needed to take extra care, smoothing out my look to appear somewhat presentable and since I was going to take a bus to school, I knew mom had left already.

Okay, so I was stalling. You got me. The taking the bus to school idea was totally mine. Yes, I wanted to be the last minute as possible. Who wouldn't? Considering the school's she-devil literally threatened me, I had every right to take as much time as I could or drag my feet as much as I wanted to, thank you very much.

Sadly, about twenty-five minutes later, I got off the bus closer to school and started my slow walk towards the school's gates. I didn't expect to see Suzy standing there, but she was. When she saw me, she made a beeline toward my direction and literary threw herself against me, giving me a bone-crushing hug.

"Amelia!" She said, still crashing me to her. "Oh my God, I heard about what happened yesterday." She let go of the hug but still held both my shoulders and bore her eyes on mine. "Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay? I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I swear, I'm gonna beat that little bitch's ass so bad, she won't remember her own fucking name."

I allowed a small smile to grace my lips. "It's okay, Suzy. Really, I'm fine. It wasn't a big deal, and besides, I need to learn to fight my own battles, I can't always expect you to swoop in and save me."

I didn't want her to worry about me any more than she needed to. I didn't want her to be Charlotte's next victim. So, I proceed to convince her as much as I could that I was okay.

"Alright, if you insist," she said before she quirked her eyebrows. "But if you need anything, you know I'm right here for you. Even if you need me to kick her ass, I'm ready. Just say the words."

I looked at her and let out a small laugh and shook my head. Despite the situation, that is what I loved about Suzy. She always managed to finds a way to make me smile or laugh. No matter what.

"Thanks, but no thank you, I would rather forget this whole situation ever happen in the first place."

I meant that with everything in my body. Felt like forgetting her or Logan sounded like the best idea and if I could just forget, everything would just go away altogether.

"Also, I don't think I will be able to sit at the lunch table today, not if Logan is there. I don't want to be seen anywhere with him. I want to avoid any more predicaments with Charlotte as possible."

For a long while, Suzy looked at me like she was battling her own debate inside her head before finally, she let loose a loud breathe and bobbed her head. "Yeah, I understand. What will you be doing on lunch break then?"

"I will be at the library; I have a lot of research to do."

A short silence followed us around until finally, Suzy snapped her fingers in excitement. "Idea," she said. "It's Friday today, why don't I take you out? So, you can forget all this high school crazy just for one day, huh? And don't even think of saying no."

No was definitely what was just about to spill out of my mouth. She knew me so well. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Suzy."

"What? of course, it's a good idea. It's the best idea I've had this entire week. You are coming out with me young lady. I'll pick you up at eight. By the way, when is your car going to be ready?"

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