50. Game Change.

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Amelia was going to drive me straight to the loony bin, I'm not kidding. I could fucking feel it. If I was not going to plant my foot down and show her who the man was, I was going to get there faster than a speed of light.

I couldn't understand how she couldn't see that her 'friend' as she called him, wanted to fuck her to a pulp.

This is what girls didn't understand. In fact, I think they choose not to put it in their thick skulls full of cotton. No matter how good-hearted, good intentional the guy may seem to be, in the end, we are always predators only after one thing, and to show you how serious I am about this, I'm not excluding myself from the bunch.

A good lay.

We are all after that. We are ready to chase it to the end of the world if it means we get some. The only difference is, if the guy likes you, then maybe he will stick around even after the deed is done.

Ethan didn't even bother to hide his intentions from me.

The way he challenged me like it was so easy for him to do it. Like he had some kind of reassurance from her. The way he subtly threw words with an underlying message. 'She is my business.' If that wasn't a message enough as to what his intentions were, I don't know what else was.

What really pissed me off was that Amelia didn't even seem to catch up on that. But I did, I saw it all too well. Just the way I usually see a lot of other things.

Seriously, how naive could she get, how many signs did she need? Or maybe she was enjoying it to some degree? Flattered with the amount of attention from both of us. And what the fuck was that with Luke?

I wanted to drive my fist through a wall, or anybody that was close by, preferably that Ethan boy.

I had gone to school with one goal that day, two if you want me to mention other plans I had for Amelia, only for everything to completely change in a matter of seconds. Instead of quality time with her, I came across a freaking nightmare of a message. So, you can imagine my frantic state of mind.

Her mother had told me where she was and thank God I got there just in time before she drove off with him.

Call it a sixth sense or whatever, but as soon as she told me Amelia was at her dad's, something nagged at the back of my head. I didn't know what it was at the time, I only knew I needed to get there. Pronto.

Turns out, I should listen to my sixth sense a lot more. The nagging was its way of advising me to hurry the fuck up, goddammit.

And then, get this, I get there, and what do I find her wearing? A fucking short shorts. Basically, inviting him to watch. I mean, unless he was gay which clearly, he wasn't from the way testosterone reeked from his pores, any straight man would bulge from that.

So, combine her choice of attire and her beauty, I was ready to get her away from him as fast as possible.

"Let's go. " I grabbed her hand, ready to get the hell out there.

We needed to talk. No, scratch that, I needed to talk and she needed to listen. In fact, talk was putting it mildly. I wanted to shout, scream until she gets it and I couldn't do that at her dad's house. I've had enough of him.

"What? Logan, I can't just leave."

She didn't get it did she. She didn't have a choice. She was going to go with me. How the fuck she managed to piss me off twice that day was beyond me, but I was going to get answers the easy way, or the hard way. Her choice.

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