13. Confused Damsel.

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I think I was losing my mind. No joke.

Huge chunks of my mind were completely hijacked by the images of a green-eyed boy whom I met not long ago but for some weird, unknown reasons, seemed to be doing just that.

His phone number on my phone was weighing on me heavily. Its existence was something that kept nagging me every freaking time I would take my phone to do anything. Like that pimple in the middle of your forehead or any part of your face that you really want to pick on even though you know you shouldn't. But it's just so damn tempting.

I hated its existence but I also loved the fact that it was there. Yeah, confusion was the new thing.

"Amelia, hurry up," mom called from her doorway. "I got to drop you off at school before I head to work myself, and we are already almost late."

"I'm coming; I'm coming."

After finishing up with getting ready, I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a small pack of chocolate-flavored milk and an apple to eat in mom's car.

"I hope they will finish with your car soon. Feels like it's taking them too long to fix and service it," Mom said as I sat down in her car.

"I passed by yesterday. They said it would take at least three more days. I didn't realize the damage was that big. But you know, I can take a bus to get to school if you are in a hurry, I don't mind."

"I know you don't, honey. But I wanted to drive you to school. I haven't done that in a while."

"True," I joked and smiled at her before I slowly started to munch on my apple.

"And before I forget, I will be having a long day at work today so, I won't be back until late. Will you be okay by yourself for some time?"

"Mom, you know I'm not seven, right?"

"Right. So, I should take that as a yes then?"

I shook my head in disbelief, she was always like that. "I'll be fine."


I walked straight to my locker as soon as mom dropped me off at the school's gates to get the books that I would need for the morning. There was supposed to be sports just before lunch break but thanks to my evidently crippled hand, I'd been assigned to never-ending torture of sitting and taking points to the teams. Which really wasn't much of an upgrade.

So... so much for that.

"What the hell, Amelia?"

At first, I was confused especially since I knew it in my gut that I knew that voice. No mistake about it. The only problem was, I didn't understand why I would hear it there. Standing at my locker and why it would sound a little frustrated if that's the word I would use. Without even meaning to, my eyes widen and everything inside me stiffened as I prepared myself to turn around and face him.

Just as I suspected, Logan was striding toward me in straight and precise steps that completely took me by surprise. What surprised me, even more, was how brazing his already brazing eyes seemed to be as he looked straight at my own eyes without so much as blinking. He didn't care about anybody on his way as if he knew nobody would dare to stand in his path and true to that, just like ants, students moved away from his path.

I found myself standing up straighter. My eyes widen even more, and my heartbeat sped up. Before I knew it, I had taken a step backward as if some invincible force had pushed me.

Logan came and stood right in front of me, only inches away from my face. His scrutinizing eyes never left mine even for a second, causing me to staggered in confusion. Honestly though, this close, his beautiful chiseled face took me by surprise.

Amelia | ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя