Chapter XI

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Happy Navratri everyone. 

I'm sorry for updating so late, I'll be honest with you people. I WAS BEING MY LAZY SELF. But I'll try to update soon next time.

As today is the first day of the Navratri, I thought that I'll update today. And I'm planning on updating at the last day of Navratri also. 

So, I hope you guys stay tuned for more.


Anamika was feeling somewhat wretched. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't forget how close they were. Her major worry was that that he'd seen her half-naked.

'So why was she fretting about their close proximity?'

She could still feel his hand clutching almost painfully on her supple upper arm. Leaving its impression on her white ivory skin. His unblinking gaze never flitting away from her face.

The back of his other hand clamping down on her lips in fear that she might scream.

Well she was just going to do that but having him that near to her made her forget that. And all she could think about, feel about was him. Purely him.

Butterflies sored in her stomach as her heart thudded against her ribcage. New, foreign feelings rose in her bosom making it warm.

Anamika desperately tried to free herself from the cocoon of these foreign yet equally terrifying feeling that he'd woven around her, but to no avail.

Feeling trampled she sighed and turned off the faucet as she gloomily inspected the now almost dull stain that had made her t-shirt it's permanent resident.

She decided to keep her thoughts at bay and removing the troubled frown from her face she faked a cheery smile. Which she knew was quite capable of deceiving others.

Sauntering upstairs towards the terrace Anamika engaged herself in the meaningless talks with her friends and not to forget Ira didi.


A flustered Eklavya hastily walked downstairs. He couldn't believe what just occurred. His throat still felt parched and raw.

He can't believe that he saw her in a state of undress. He chided himself as to why he didn't leave almost instantly.

But how could he when his feet, damn when his whole body refused to heed his command. He found himself for the first time at the mercy of the exquisite nymph in front of him.

Kasturi saw him and spoke, "I'm sorry Eklavya I'd forgotten that Ira was on terrace." And then she continued again, "Anamika and her friends are with her."

Rudra who was silent till now fixed his sole attention on his aunt, "What? But why are they here?"

"Oh! Ira called them over." Kasturi answered dismissively as she turned her attention towards the magazine in her lap.

"Wow! I think I should go and meet them." Rudra stated to himself and quickly ascended upstairs.

Sighing Eklavya spoke, "I'm going in my room, call me if you need anything." and with that he also walked in the direction of his room.


Saanvi's heart fluttered ludicrously at the mere sight of the love of her life. Rudra walked towards them with a devilishly handsome smirk plastered on his face.

"Hi!! Anamika and lovely beauties." He said charmingly.

"Am I not beautiful Rudra?" Anamika mockingly asked as her lips curled up in a mischievous smile.

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