Chapter XXII

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Striding down the stairs, Eklavya strolled towards the door that led to the back garden, which was lavishly decorated for todays occasion. Raking his lean yet strong fingers through his black luxurious mane, Eklavya sighed in irritation.

The girl named Bhoomi or Bhoomika or whatever her name was, had been hounding him since her arrival. If it was not for his aunt, who had pleaded him to tolerate the crazy girl for some time, Eklavya would've rid himself of the crazy fangirl until now.

But his irritation had a different reason. An utterly despicable woman had called him today.

Eklavya was never the one to let his emotions rule over his mind. But whenever he heard that venomous womans voice, something snaps within him and he moves back to the disastrous time when his parents had just left them.

Truth be told, Eklavya could've avoided the call for today. Heck! He didnt know why the hell he'd evenpicked it up in the first place. Maybe he just needed something more to fuel his already flaming dislike towards the mother-son duo.

Raging anger shook his whole body just upon their thought. He needed a moment to compose himself. Eklavya couldnt just go to his sister'­­­s engagement looking like a raging bull, ready to strike at anyone at any moment.

More than anger he was feeling blatant disgust at the thought that Anjali Singh still possessed the tongue to infuriate him up to this level.

He needed to calm down. Eklavya knew that, but how? He paused abruptly in his track. Anamika who was hurriedly following him while simultaneously calling out to him, knocked straight into his broad back.


The clash had little to no effect on him, but it made him 'tsk' in annoyance. Swivelling back to give an earful to the person, Eklavya paused, biting back the snarky comment on his tongue.

Anamika had her eyes closed, as she rubbed her pert nose which bared the full impact of the dash.

"You again? Anamika are you sure you arent stalking me?" Eklavya glared down at the girl.

Anamika stared back at him with an expression that depicted nothing but utter incredulousness. Oh yeah! how can she forget how incredibly conceited he was?

Showing him her palm, she said, "Puh-lease, you aren't even that great that anyone would even think of stalking you." than added, "Kusumlata grandma sent me to get you."

"I'm not a child that needs a nanny to fret over him." Eklavya stated tersely. "I was already on my way."

"Let's keep that aside and come to the main point." Anamika brushed off his words, "Why didn't you stop when I was calling out to you?" she asked while raising a perfect brow.

If Eklavya was surprised he didn't show it. 'Was he really that indulged in his not so pleasant thoughts to not hear her voice?' the question surfaced in his mind.

"You know what? Just leave it. How can I ever think you'd stop for me?" the words came out even before she could stop herself. Anamika stilled in her place.

'Way to go Anamika! You are the most idiotic girl in this whole universe.' She cried out in horror. There was only one way out of this embarrassing situation and that was to fled.

A tried and tested solution she had relied upon many a times.

So not wasting any more of her precious time, Anamika swivelled on her heel to escape. But couldn't as she felt his steely grip on her delicate wrist. She hissed in discomfort and instantly felt the grip loosen a bit.

Slowly turning her back, Eklavya stared intently at her blushing face. He observed how her eyes were cast downwards and were flitting every moment. Out of sheer nervousness, she was biting her luscious lips that were coated with some cheap lip-balm.

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