"Im the queen"

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The next week flew by pretty fast and honestly I'm glad. All I could think about was the senior trip. We were going to Disney world. We do the trip early because at the end of the year everyone's focused on prom and passing grades. I woke Brandon up bright and early to make sure he had all of his information ready. Nanny already had all my papers in a folder so all I had to do was grab it and go. Chad picked me up for school and we talked about the trip on the way. I was walking to the office when I heard someone say

"Aliceion can we talk"

I turned around to see Aaliyah

"About" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm so so so so soooooooo sorry about Chad I had no right to do that You're my best friend and I promise if you give me a second chance you won't regret it" she begged

"Of corse I forgive you" I said pulling her into a hug

"Thank you so much" she said hugging me back

"Just remember you slut I'm the queen around here and if you ever touch what's mine again I will end you" I said in a whisper

She pulled away and looked me in the eyes and said


"Good now run off I have business to attend to" I said

She walked away without another word and I went into the office.

"Good morning Aliceion" the lady at the front desks said

"Good morning ms Mary how are you" I asked with a smile

"I'm good and you dear" she asked while writing me a slip to prove I could go on the trip

"I'm good thank you for asking have a nice day" I said then walked away

The rest of the day was pretty boring until last period. I walked in to see Brandon sitting in the back. I took a seat next to my boyfriend then texted Brandon asking why he moved seats.

"I don't wanna get between you and the king lmao" he texted

"Lmao he would have been okay" I replied

"Let's not make it complicated remember" he texted back

"Do you wanna hang out after school" I asked

"Yeah. In our spot right" he sent back quickly

"Right" I said

"I'll be there :)" he replied

Just as I finished texting Brandon class started

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