You did not fight

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                 Brandon's point of view

These few months have been shit. I tried looking on her Instagram but she blocked me. I guess her and Lindsey are friends now because Lindsey always post pictures of them together. I took a shower then laid on my bed I was bored as hell so I decided to scroll through Instagram. I clicked Lindsey's profile only to see a photo of her, Alice and some guy. I felt my chest tighten when I saw the second picture. It was Alice kissing this guy. I decided to be a stocker and go on this guy's Instagram I realize his name was Jess and he was in college to be a doctor. Of fucking course. He posted a picture of him and Alice With the caption saying "happy two months baby". Happy two fucking months? So that means that let got together 2 months after we broke up. I know that's a decent amount of time but fuck.Just as I was about to break my phone it rang

"Brandon" my dad said

"Yes" I said

"I decided I'm not going to sell the house so I need you to do me a favor" he said

"What" I asked

"I need you to go back to the old house and get the keys" he said

"Why can't you do it" I asked

"Because I'm stuck at work and since you just graduated and aren't doing anything you have the time" he said

I sighed

"Okay fine" I said

I decided if I was going to do this I needed to leave soon. I got in my truck and started that long ass drive. After the first 12 hours I felt so tired so I stopped and got a coffee. I still had 10 hours to go so I slept in my truck for 4 hours then when I woke up I started driving again. After what felt like my whole fucking life I pulled into my old driveway. I got out the truck then started walking to Alices house but midway I heard voices. I stepped back and saw Alice and that guy walking to a car. They kissed several fucking times. After forever he drove off and she went inside. She didn't even fucking notice me. I looked at the clock and it was 1:34. It was late as hell and I know nanny's not up so I decided I would just use my spare key and sleep here tonight then get the other keys from nanny in the morning. I opened the door then went  to my old room. The only thing in there was my old bed. As soon as I laid down I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to a scream

"Brandon what are you doing here" nanny yelled

" What are you doing here" I asked while  rubbing my eyes

"I came here to clean only to find you camping out" she said

"My dad decided not to sell the house so he sent me here to get the other keys from you but last night I got here really late so I just used my spare key and slept here and I was going to get the keys from you in the morning" I said

"Okay come with me" she said

"I don't want to see her" I said

"She's with her boyfriend" nanny said

"Oh okay" I said then got up

We walked to Alices house and when we walked in I heard a voice talking then that guy came into view he glanced at me but said nothing

"Jess what are you doing here" nanny asked

"Alice and I were going to go out for breakfast but I don't have time so we decided to stay in and just hang out"he said

"She wants to know if you know where her silk robe is" he said

"No I don't know" she said

"So you're Jess" I said

"Yeah" he said

"Brandon" I said with a straight face

"Oh" he said looking uncomfortable

"Jess did you ask her" I heard a voice say from upstairs then Alice cane into view

She looked at me for a second then looked away

"Jess" she said

"She doesn't know" he said

"Okay come back upstairs" she said

"Okay" he said then walked back upstairs

She walked away without another glance

Nanny walked into the kitchen then came back with the keys.

"Thank you" I said then walked to the door

"You should be ashamed of yourself Brandon" she said

"What why" I asked

"Because you made that child fall in love with you and you left like it was nothing you did not fight for her" she snapped then slammed the door in my face

I walked back to my truck then drove off.

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