What now

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We went back downstairs and Chad was sitting with Heather.

"Hey" I said with a smile then sat next to Chad

"Hey where were you" he asked

"My room I didn't feel good" I said

"You okay" he asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Good good" he said then put his arm around me

The rest of the party went by just fine. Aaliyah left with one of the twins and Heather called her driver. The rest of the guests left and my mom and dad decided to go to a bar with some friends and nanny went home for the night so it was just me and chad and well Brandon.

"Why are you still here" Chad asked

"Gotta talk to Alice" Brandon said

"Alice" he asked raising a brow then his phone rang

I took that as my opportunity to pull Brandon aside

"I broke things off with Lindsey" Brandon said once we were on the balcony

"Oh" I said

"I'm telling you so you know" he said

"Okay" I said

He looked at me then began to walk away

"I want you" I said

"You do" he asked with a smile

"Yes I think I have for a while" I said

He didn't say anything instead he kissed me

             (Chads point of view)

I really wanted to know why Brandon even came to the party but before I could ask my mom called asking if I gave Aliceion the ring yet. I told her I was waiting until everyone left so it could be special. After we hung up I looked around but didn't see either of them. I can't help but think back to what Aaliyah said last time we slept together

(A few months ago)

"I have to go" I say then put my clothes on

"Where" Aaliyah asks

"Aliceions" I reply

"Isn't she with Brandon right now" Aaliyah asked

"Don't start" I snapped

"I'm serous they were talking when Heather and I picked her up a few weeks ago" she said

"She doesn't like him she loves me" I said rolling my eyes

"Yeah until she sleeps with him" Aaliyah says

"She wouldn't do that" I say as I walk out the door

It's true. Aliceion wouldn't do that. I love her and she loves me. I acted an ass to her and I'm trying to fix it and honestly I think we're getting back on track. Now I just need to find her. My breathing stops as I seen her on the balcony with Brandon. They are just talking thank god. I decided to not piss her off so I just sat on the sofa waiting for then to finish. She was smiling so whatever the douche is saying must be great. After about 5 minutes they walk inside and she looks at me then turns pale. What the hell ? Brandon leaves then she comes back inside .

"We need to talk" she said not looking at me

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