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I woke up and it was 11:34 at night. My god I slept 12 hours. I got up and felt the bill bottle in my pocket. I decided I would do something I should have done a long time ago. I put my shoes on then snuck out my window. I walked to the lake and looked at the water shinning in the moonlight. It started drizzling but I didn't care. I walked over to the water then pulled out the pills, dumping them all into the water.

"Aliceion" I heard an all to familiar voice say

"Brandon" I said then turned to face him

"What are you doing it's freezing and raining" he asked

"I know but I needed to do this" I said holding up the pill bottle

"What" he screamed

"I didn't take them dumbass I poured then out" I said

"Oh okay" he said looking calm again

He walked closer to me then pulled me into a hug. It felt so nice to finally hug him again.

"Can we sit" I asked

"It's raining" he said with a laugh

"I don't care" I said

I began to take off my jacket but he shook his head no then took off his instead then we sat on it

"Can I ask you something" he asked

"Yes" I said

"Why did you try to do it for the 2nd time" he asked

"How do you know about that" I asked

"I heard your mom talking about it" he said

I took a death breathe

"When I was 15 I had a really bad eating disorder I wasn't particularly fat but I wanted to be skinny so I would go days without eating I would test my limits and see how long I could go without passing out or feeling weak finally i didn't eat for almost two weeks and I passed out and they couldn't wake me up I had to go to the hospital and they had to put me on fluids and I didn't wake up for two days....the doctor said I almost died and that if I wouldn't have been found I would have died on my bathroom floor" I said looking down

"8 months ago my mom killed her self she always hated the ritch people life so when she met my dad she went away with him but her family was hopping she would leave him and move back here but she didn't want to do her family wouldn't talk to her at all and she got layed off from her job I guess I didn't Realize how sad she was until it was too late I came home from school and called her but she didn't answer that's when I went into the kitchen and found her... she um she slit both her wrists"he said with a sniff

"Brandon I'm so sorry" I said then grabbed his hand

"I called 911 but they couldn't save her they said she passed away hours before I got home my dad couldn't bare to stay in that house so the only other option was to move here" he said

"I'm sorry for everything I put you through" I said

"I know" he said

"The world is just too" I started to say

"Heavy for some people" he said

"How did you know" I asked

"That's what my dad told me after my mom died" he said

"Why didn't you ever tell me" he asked

"I didn't want you to think I was weak" I said

"What are you so scared of" he asked now looking at me

"Everything" I said

We looked at each other for a moment before his lips met mine. He kissed me hard. This is the kiss I've missed so much. I climbed on top of him ignoring the rain in my face.

"Wait you're arm where's the brace" I asked

"It doesn't hurt anymore" he said then kissed me again

He pulled down my leggings then turned us over so he was on top of me. His movements were slow and steady.

"I missed you so much baby" he said not breaking eye contact

"I love you" I moaned

"I love you more" he said

After we were done we laid next to each other

"It's so fucking cold" Brandon said

"I should get home" I said then sat up

"I'll call you in the morning" he said then stood up

"I have therapy" I said

"Okay so you call me" he said

"Deal" I said

He started to walk away but I spoke

"Hey Brandon"

"Yeah" he asked

"I want to see my dad" I said

"When" he asked

"Now" I replied

"Um okay" he said

"I'm going take a shower then I'm going" I said

"Okay are we taking my truck" he asked

"No I have a car remember" I said with a laugh

"I forgot" he said with a laugh

"Be back here in 1 hour" I said then walked away

I ran inside then took a quick shower. I threw on a pair of leggings with my Chanel sweater and my uggs I brushed my hair then I was ready. I walked back to our spot where Brandon was already waiting. We walked to my car then headed to see my dad at 2:45 in the morning.

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