Obviously she was doing something

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Brandon and I stood in a corner minding our business.

"I'm gonna go get a yogurt do you want anything" I asked

"No I'm good" Brandon said

I went to the cafeteria and got my yogurt then headed back outside but Chad stopped me in the hallway.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I replied

"I thought maybe you would call but I guess not" he said

"Why would I call" I asked confused

"I thought if I gave you some time you would be over this whole bad boy phase" he said

"Brandon and I are dating Chad I thought I made that clear" I said

"Aliceion come on you know that won't work" he said

"It's working fine actually" I said

"Looks like it" he muttered

"Anyways I should go" I said then began to walk away

Chad grabbed my hand then pulled me closer to him

"Chad" I said firmly

"Aliceion please I know you're pissed at me but we can get through it" he said

"I'm going" I said then tried to walk away but he pulled me back

As soon as he pulled me back I slapped him across the face

"Honestly Chad you need to get a fucking grip" I said then rushed away from him

"That took a long time" Brandon said when I reached him

"Yeah someone got in my way" I said

But before Brandon could ask who Chad walked out of school and shouted


He Caught everyone's attention

"Talk to me" chad demanded

"We have nothing to talk about" I said in a low voice

"Come on" chad said

"Chad go away" Brandon said firmly

"You know what Brandon I'm getting really sick and tired of you" chad hissed

"Good then maybe you'll stop coming around" Brandon said then leaned on the wall

"I mean you're always around saving the day" chad said

"Yep I always have to clean up the messes you make" Brandon said rolling his eyes

"You always have to insert yourself in other peoples business like Aliceion and I for example how do you feel about us breaking up" chad yelled

"Oh I'm thrilled" Brandon said with a smile

"Yeah I'm sure you are but you do realize that she's just pissed at me for what I did and she will forgive me and she will come back to me leaving poor you all alone" chad said

"Yeah okay" Brandon said

"She loves me buddy" chad said

"Yeah I'm not so sure about that buddy" Brandon replied mockingly

"You don't know her like I do" chad yelled

"Actually I know her a lot better because unlike you when she was upset I was there for her instead of cheating on her and I was there for her even though it wasn't  benefiting me so I did a hell of a lot more then you did or could ever do" Brandon snapped

I didn't know what to say my head was spinning

"I mean obviously it was benefiting you because y'all were fucking" Chad snapped but then he looked at me

"I didn't mean that" chad said quickly

But I said nothing

"See before you said that I was just going to argue with you until you were done but now I'm gonna beat your ass for the 3rd time" Brandon said then punched chad

I stumbled back as they were fighting

Chad got a few punches in but not many. Brandon was punching him right in the face. By the time they were broken up Chads nose was bloody and Brandon had a black eye.

Brandon was sitting in the office waiting for the principle. I decided since he was getting suspended I should just check myself out so that's exactly what I did. I got all my stuff then waited outside for my boyfriend. 23 minutes later he walked outside and said

"8 days"

"Let's go home" I said then held out my hand, he grabbed it then We walked to his truck and headed to my house.

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