Loved is past tense

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December was finally here and I was glad. Brandon and I haven't spoken since that night a few weeks ago and I'm trying not to think about it. He's been with Lindsey everyday kissing her and hugging her. I feel utterly pathetic for noticing. Brandon and I had a good friendship but our sweet dream was destined to become a nightmare. So it's better we grow out of it now before something truly bad happens. Like I said we need to go back to normal .Brandon and I are from two different worlds. Worlds that don't combine.

"So what color should I wear" Aaliyah asked

"Maybe green" I said

"Why green" she asked

"Because you're in envious bitch" I said with a straight face

"Oh yeah I'm the bitch" she said rolling her eyes

"Oh my fault I meant envious slut" I said

She looked at me but said nothing. Aaliyah is my lap dog and she knows I'll throw her off at any moment so I wish she would say something else. I could help but imagine me slamming her head into Brandon's truck.

"So what ever happened to you and Brandon" Heather asked taking a bite of her low fat yogurt

"Nothing happened because nothing ever started" Chad said with a laugh then put his arm around me

"We literally talked like twice and it was because he needed notes he missed" I said rolling my eyes

"That's not what it looked like at Disney world" Aaliyah said

"What are you talking about" chad asked

"The way they sat together on the plane and hung out for most of the trip then left together yeah Heather told me" Aaliyah said with a smirk

"You left with him" chad asked looking confused

"Yeah and last time I checked they didn't take a plane home" Aaliyah said smiling

"Nothing happened" I said looking at Chad

"I mean you were with him for almost two days so what did you guys do at night" Aaliyah asked

"We got a motel but just to sleep" I said with wide eyes

"We were riding buses constantly we only got the motel to sleep a few hours" I said in a panic

"Did you happen you ride anything else on your little trip" Aaliyah asked

"NO we slept with a pillow between us" I said quickly

"You slept in the same bed" chad said looking horrified

"Nothing happened" I said again

"I knew it from the start Chad you should have looked at the signs" Aaliyah said

"Aaliyah I'm surprised you had all this time to stalk me since most of your time was spent fucking my boyfriend" I staid

"Well bitch maybe if you would fuck your boyfriend I wouldn't have to do it for you" she stated

And with that I grabbed my Diet Coke and dumped it on her head. People gasped and laughed from all around us. But all I could do was walk away as fast as I could. I walked into the bathroom then began to throw up. I sat on the floor before hearing a knock on the stall.

"Someone's in here" I said but another knock came

I swing the door open and said

"I said someone's in here" but I stopped

"Here" Lindsey said then handed me a tissue

"Thanks" I said then wiped my eyes

"They're all assholes don't pay attention to them" Lindsey said with a smile

"Why are you being nice to me" I asked

"You're friends with Brandon and no matter how rude you can be you seem like a good person" she said

"How do you know Brandon and I are friends" I asked

"The way he talks about you" she said with another smile

"Sometimes it worries me" she said then sat on the floor next to me

"Worries you" I asked

"He loves you" she said

"What" I stuttered

"Well loved you" she said

"Oh" I replied

"I could tell by the way he looked at you especially at Disney world" she said

"I honestly didn't think I had a chance compared to you" she said

"We were just friends" I said

"Were" she asked

"We don't talk anymore" I said looking forward

"Well it's because you won't speak to him I'm sure if you do everything will be just fine again" she said with some hope

"It's better if we don't speak" I said dryly

"Can you give me a reason" she asked

"There's a lot" I said

"I've got time" she said

"Well we're from two different family's and Brandon well he's" I began to say

"Not as rich or popular as you" she finished for me

"Well you make me seem like a great person" I said rolling my eyes

She stood up and before she left the bathroom she said

"I don't think you're a bad person Aliceion I think you have a lot of pain and  a lot of feelings you haven't delt with yet and that's why you act this way" then she left

I was once again alone with my thoughts but all I could hear over and over again was

"He loved you"

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