Game on

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The next few days went by pretty normal. Chad and I hung out a few times and Aaliyah and Heather slept over two days ago.

"Are you exited about next week" nanny asked

"I guess" I replied

"Honey you're turning 18 you should be ecstatic" nanny said then handed me a Vitamin

"Nothings really changing though" I said taking a sip of my orange juice

"In a few months you'll be done with school then it's college time" she said with a smile

"Yeah it's crazy" I said taking a bite of my donut

"Okay finish eating and have a good day at school" she said then walked away

As soon as she walked away I threw my donut away then headed to the bathroom. I turned on the sink then stuck my finger down my throat to throw up.

"Heather is here" nanny yelled from downstairs

I turned the sink off and wiped my eyes then headed back downstairs

"Hey girlie" heather said as I got in the car

"Hey" I said with a smile

"So what are we doing after school" Aaliyah asked from the backseat

"I want to go birthday dress shopping" I said

"That's a great idea" Aaliyah said

"Ugh me and Alex had the best sex last night" Aaliyah said while putting lipgloss on

"What about Thomas" I asked

"We broke up a few days ago" she said rolling her eyes

"He had some 21 year old tramp in his room when I surprised him at his dusty ass college" she explained

"So what did you do" I asked I was very intrigued

"Dumped his ass on the spot then told his tramp that he had a wife that was pregnant then I bought new shoes" she said with a laugh

"She can't be mad about it because she started throwing it back for Every guy in Pennsylvania as soon as he started college" heather said with a laugh

"Shut up heather" Aaliyah said rolling her eyes

"We all make mistakes" I said laughing

"Yeah Brandon was a big one" Heather said

"Too soon Heather" Aaliyah snapped

"No it's fine I'm over it it was just a fling" I said feeling a lump in my throat

I was lying

We pulled into school and I saw Brandon standing by his truck. Heather and Aaliyah started saying something but I wasn't paying attention. Brandon looked at me and I looked at him. I'm not sure why but I started walking towards him and he did the same. We were almost close enough to talk but Chad came out of nowhere.

"Hey" Chad said with a smile

"Hi" I said

I looked behind him only to see Brandon was now talking to Lindsey. I was close enough to hear then talking and she said

"I had fun last night"

"Me too" he said

Are you serious. I'm with Chad because it keeps the balance in our social standards and it makes sense. I still love Brandon deeply and now I find out the minute we break up he gets back with the girl he told me I didn't have to worry about. I'm pissed.

I looked at Brandon one last time then kissed Chad. He smiled and I smiled back. I pulled away then looked to see Brandon starring at me. I smirked at him and I watched as he mouthed "game on"then walked away.

I went to all my classes pissed. I didn't say anything at lunch and when my friends asked what's wrong I said I was stressed. After lunch I walked into class and saw Brandon sitting in his normal spot

"Hey" he said with a smirk

"Hi" I said facing him

"You look good today" he said

"Thanks" I said

"Aww not going to complement me back" he asked with a fake frown

"Nope" I said

"But I told you how good you look" he said

"And I said thank you I heard sex makes people glow" I said with a smile

"What did you just say" he said threw his teeth

"Yeah Chad really put in work last night" I said

"Shut up" he said

"What you don't like the thought of Chad doing things to me and touching me" I asked with a smile

"I don't need this" he said then walked out the classroom

Brandon didn't show up to 4th peroid and I was glad. The thing is chad and I didn't have sex but Brandon was the one rubbing it in my face that him and Lindsey are hooking up again so why not have a little fun. After school Aaliyah,Heather, and I went shopping.

"What did you girls think" I asked while walking out the dressing room

"You look so good" Heather said with wide eyes

"Aliceion hun you look amazing did you lose weight or something" Aaliyah asked

"Yeah I'm on a new diet" I said with a smile

"Whatever it is is making you look so good" Aaliyah said

I walked back into the dressing room and looked at myself in the mirror. I did look great but it wasn't a new diet.

It's called having an eating disorder.

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