That's the only way

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                     Brandon's point of view

I walked out Alices house and she didn't follow me. Good. I went home and told my dad I was going back to Texas. I had enough money saved up to get an apartment and since I'm 18 he couldn't exactly tell me no. I'll finish the last two months of school at my old school. I know I hurt her but this is what's best. I went upstairs and packed a suitcase then made sure I had everything I needed.

"Dad I'm going" I said

"I'm going to move back in May  I don't really like it here either" my dad said

"I think that's a good idea" I said

"What about her" my dad asked

"It's over" I said

"I'm sorry" he said

"It's fine, I'll see you in a few months"I said then hugged him

I put my bags in the truck then drove off without looking back. I will never look back. That's the only way.

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