Wish me luck

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We took 5 buses and we still had 28 hours to go .

"Let's just get a motel" Brandon said

"Ugh okay" I said

We ended up at a motel 6. We checked in and the room was smaller then my purse.

"What a sight" I said

"I'm too tired to care" Brandon said then jumped on the bed

This was the only room available and it only had one bed but neither one of us cared. I took a shower and changed then Brandon and I went to sleep. The next morning we backed our bags and got onto another bus. 15 hours later my head was killing me from lack of sleep.

Only 12 hours to go I thought to myself as I drifted back into sleep on the smelly bus.Brandon woke me up an hour later and told me we needed to switch busses. We went into a gas station so I could use the bathroom and wash my face. As I walked out the bathroom I saw Brandon buying a bag of Cheetos and a Red Bull. We got onto the next bus and he said

"This is a story to tell the kids"

"I can't wait to be home" I said with a sigh

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. My phone rang. Oh god it's my mom.

"Hello" I said

"Aliceion where the hell are you" she screamed

"I don't really know mom" I said

"Aliceion when you get home you and I are having a long talk so you know how embarrassing it was for me to get a call saying my child was in a fight then left with some boy"

"That boy is our next door neighbor Brandon" I said

"Well you tell Brandon that his father is waiting for him" and with that she hung up

We rode on the bus for 8 more hours then Brandon said

"I'm hungry do you wanna eat"

"Yes please" I said

"4 more hours until we're home" he said

At the next stop we got off and walked to a Wendy's

"I got an email saying I'm suspended about 5 hours ago" I said eating a fry

"Yeah same for 7 days" Brandon replied

We finished our food and walked outside.We started walking to the next bus station when a man asked

"Aliceion Montgomery"

"Yes" I said

"It looked like you" he said

"Who are you" I asked

He had dark brown hair and a brown beard with green he looked strangely familiar but I knew I never met him before.

"A old friend of your parents" he said

Before I could say anything else he said

"Well I should be going"

"That was weird" I said turning to Brandon

"Yeah lets go this is a weird part of town" he said then grabbed my hand and walked faster

We found the bus station and pain for our tickets then waited. The next 4 hours were mostly silent because neither of us wanted to face our parents. Once we got off the bus we both walked to our houses.

"Do you want me to come in with you" Brandon asked

"No" was all I said

"I'll see you tomorrow" he said

"If she doesn't kill me" I said

We hugged and he wished me luck as I went inside

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