This is our forever

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"Oh Juliet" Brandon said with a laugh

"Brandon shut up" I said with a laugh

" I'm trying to be romantic here" he said from outside my window

"I'm trying to sneak out of my window at 2 in the morning without getting caught so shut up" I said in a whisper

Brandon was throwing rocks at my window like a crazy person so I would sneak out. Yes I said rocks not pebbles. He broke one of my moms garden gnomes at some point.

"Come on hurry up" he said

"Shh" I replied then finally got out

Ive been sneaking out almost every night just to hang out with my boyfriend. Ahh I loved saying that.

When I finally got out my window I almost tripped but he grabbed my arm.

"Now was that so hard" Brandon said rolling his eyes

"Brandon that took like five minutes" I said

"No it took like ten" he said rolling his eyes again

"You're so dramatic" I said pushing his lightly

"Oh really" he said with a smirk

"Really" I said with wide eyes

He picked me up then kissed me

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said happily

We went to the lake then Brandon took his jacket off for me to lay on. We laid down and he put his arm around me.

"The stars are so pretty" I said looking up at them

"They are see that star to the right that's called a rhinestone star" he said

"How do you know that" I asked look over at him

"I don't I just made it up" he said

"You're so stupid" I said laughing

He smiled but said nothing

"Why are you staring at me" I asked

"I just love you" he said

"Promise me something" I said

"Okay" he said

"If you ever start to fall out of love with me tell me" I said with a frown

"I can tell you right now I will never stop loving you" he said grabbing my hand

"I love you more than anyone and that really scares me" I admitted

"Chad" he asked

"I thought I loved him but then I met you and I realized I never loved anyone until you" I said

"I never thought I'd be okay after my mom died but when I'm with you the world doesn't seem so bad anymore" he said

We laid back down then I said

"Me and you this is it You're my person so you can't leave you have to love me" I said

"Alice I would love you forever but there's not enough time" he said

"All we have is now" I said

"We'll make this our forever" he said

I put my chest on his head then looked at the stars.

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