I know she's right

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Brandon's point of view

"God" Alice screamed then went upstairs

I knew she needed time to herself so I decided to go put gas in my truck. Once I got back from the gas station the sun was going down. I walked back inside and Alice was fast asleep so I figured I should just leave her be. I went back outside to smoke but right before I could light one up her mom scared the shit out of me.

"Brandon can I speak to you" she said from the darkness

"Shit you scared me" I said

"Watch your mouth boy" she said

"Uh sorry" I said

"I want you to break up with Aliceion" she said

"Hell no" I said

"I know you don't want to but Brandon you don't have anything to offer her she has a bright future if she's with someone like her" she said

"Honey you're always suspended I know you're not passing school and I'm pretty damn sure you don't want to go to college and if you two stay together she'll do great and you'll drag her down then all the two of you will do is fight and you'll regret being together because of how unhappy she will be" she said

"I know you don't want to hear this but you and I both know it's true you know she needs to be with Chad or someone On the same pedestal as  her and you know you need to go it's not worth ruining her life hunny" she said

I didn't want to admit it but everything she was saying was true. I don't have a future and Alice does and if I keep her it will only drag her down

"You know I'm right so I'll be expecting you leaving soon" she said then walked away

I knew it was over and it hurt like hell

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