That was our spot

21 1 0

The party was going fine. Heather and Aaliyah met these twins and were currently entertaining them and chad and I were talking to the mayor.

"You two look very nice together" he said with a smile

"How long has it been" his wife asked

"4 years next week" chad said happily

Before I knew it the mayors wife walked away to talk to my mother and chad was talking about finance. I was listening to my boyfriend go on and on but then something caught my attention or should I say someone. Brandon. He walked in ..... with Lindsey. He was wearing black dress plants and a black button up shirt with his normal hair. Lindsey was in a long white dress with her hair in a bun. Brandon looked at me for a second then turned away.

"You okay" chad asked out of nowhere

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Who invited him" he asked looking disgusted

"Exactly" I said in a harsh tone

"Anyways there's a lot of people I want to talk to so do you want to come" chad asked

"No you go ahead I need to speak to a few people" I said looking at Brandon

"Okay I'll see you in a bit" he said then gave me a quick kiss

I walked over to nanny who was talking to Brandon

"Can I speak to you" I asked nanny

"Sure what's wrong" she asked once we were far away

"Who invited them" I asked

"I did your mother said it was fine" she replied

"Why would you do that" I asked

"I thought you two were friends considering all those nights you snuck out to be with him" she said

My eyes widened and I said nothing

"I'm old but not that old" she said with a smile then walked away

I needed a moment to myself so I went to my room. I sat on my bed then took a deep breathe. Then Brandon walked in and shut my door.

"What are you doing" I asked then stood up

"Whats wrong with you" he asked

"What the hell is wrong with you" I snapped

"You've been acting weird for weeks so what the hell is wrong with you Aliceion" he snapped  back

"Oh so we're back to Aliceion" I snapped

"Yeah we are" he said

"Cute" I said with a straight face

"What's wrong is you brought her here" I said

"Lindsey" he asked confused

"Yes she's always with you" I yelled

"I like her" he yelled at me

"And you brought her to the lake" I screamed

"How do you even know about that" he asked

"Because I was going for a damn walked but instead I walked into a damn notebook scene" I snapped

"I don't see why me bringing Lindsey to the lake is a problem" he said

"Because it's our spot well it was our spot Brandon" I yelled again

Even though we were yelling the people downstairs were too drunk and caught up in their own conversations to notice

"Aliceion you've been acting weird for weeks so tell me why" he said

"I'm not acting weird you can't be mad because I don't want to be friends with a loser" I snapped

"I think you're jealous that's why you're acting like this" he said

"Jealous" I said with a laugh

"You're so delusional I have a boyfriend who I love" I said folding my arms

"Please you stay with him for the trust fund" he said

"Actually I love him and it's none of your business" I snapped

"It is so obvious that you lost feelings for him the only reason you stay with him is because you know your mom will take away all your money if you don't act like the perfect daughter and part of being a perfect daughter is dating the perfect boy" he said standing in front of the door

"That's that's it's not true" I stuttered

"Yeah okay" he said

"Brandon get the hell out of my room" I snapped

"No" he said then sat on my bed

"Fine then I'll leave" I snapped

I grabbed the door handle but before I opened the door Brandon grabbed my hand and said

"Alice" softly

"What" I yelled then turned to look at him

He looked at me and I looked at him for a brief second. Before he kissed me. I pulled away and looked at him. Before kissing him back. He pushed me against the door but I pulled away and lead him to my bed. Maybe I wasn't thinking this through but I didn't care. He continued to kiss me but stopped.

"I don't have" he began to say

"Top drawer of the dresser" I said

"Seriously" he asked with a smile

"Yes hurry up" I said

He got up and grabbed a condom from my drawer.

"Do I want to know why you have these" he asked with a smile then kissed me now

The truth is I bought them after I met Brandon not because I planned on doing anything with him I just thought I should have them for when I was ready. So chad wouldn't have to buy any.

He kissed me again and asked

"You sure"

"Yes" I said

I won't lie it hurt. Really bad. But after a while it felt better and better.

"How was it" I asked then looked at Brandon

"That was good" he said with a smile

"We need to go downstairs" I said then got up

I know I shouldn't feel bad for cheating on a chad but I do. We've been dating for 3 years and I don't even let him put his hand up my shirt then here I am having sex with a boy I met 4 months ago while he's downstairs oh god.

"Okay lets go" Brandon said

"You go first" I said

"Why" he said

"So people don't think we were doing anything" I said

"But we were" he said with a smile

"I'm aware Brandon but my boyfriend is downstairs" I said

"Right maybe I'll just tell him how I kissed and touched his girlfriend" Brandon said in a whisper then kissed me

I pulled away then said

"I'm serous I'm confused right now so please just act normal"

"Okay" he said

"So go" I said

"Kiss me one more time" he said

"Why" I asked

"Cause I'm not sure what's going to happen between us and just Incase it goes bad I want to kiss you" he said before pulling me into a kiss

I feel bad for cheating on Chad. But I wanted to kiss Brandon forever.

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