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   " Kira works alone. He had access to all of our classified information. "

L had put his thumb to his mouth in thought. We had discussed what to do media-wise and now we were talking about who he could be.

   " What evidence do you have that he's working alone? "

   " Hold on Aizawa. Let's listen to his entire theory before asking questions. " Mr. Yagami said interrupting Aizawa.

    " We know he needs a name and a face to kill. To some extent, he can control the victim's time of death and their actions before dying. We already know that much keep that in mind. Listen carefully to what I have to say next."

Ryuzaki brought out an expo marker and got ready to write or draw.

   " On December 14th twelve FBI investigators entered Japan. Here we are on December 19th. Using prison inmates Kira conducts experiments manipulating his victim's actions before they die. In other words during this window of only five days, Kira became aware of the FBI's presence and obviously felt threatened. "

   " Because he didn't know any of their names of faces he was at a disadvantage. "

   " Correct Y/n. He needed to know how much control he had over his victims before he could use it against the twelve agents. And as we all know on December 27th he killed the FBI agents. During this period to the best of our knowledge, 23 individuals died of heart attacks. But these victims were different from Kira's previous targets. They were all alleged criminals and convicts or suspects of ongoing investigations. So, legally speaking they were innocent. "

   " That's true. " Mr. Yagami confirmed.

   " This indicates that Kira had to manipulate these lesser criminals in order to kill those FBI agents. He killed that many people so that we would be unable to tell the decoys from those who are actually used. He probably only needed a few. "

   " My exact thoughts Y/n. He waited eight days so the FBI could investigate other suspects which meant that there would be no timeline linking him to their deaths. I suspect Kira had to be one of the people being investigated by the FBI between the 14th and the 19th of December. "

   "There's no doubt. It has to be right. "

Ryuzaki picked up the files I organized two days ago. The files the FBI gave us.

   " These are files provided by the FBI and they contain additional information you might find useful for obvious reasons you're not to take these out of this room but-"

   " Amazing! " Matsuda interrupted.

I smiled as the meeting continued and I made my comments here and there. It was past midnight at this point. When the meeting was finished we all stood and said goodnight to Ryuzaki. 

   " I'll see you tomorrow Ryuzaki. "

   " I'm afraid not. "

   " Oh, yeah I forgot. "

   " Yes, we aren't meeting together tomorrow because of the meeting tonight. I will see you after tomorrow. Now, please go home and get some rest you need sleep. "

   " Well, then this will be interesting to get used to. "

   " It will. I'll miss having you here. "

   " It's not that long. It's just a day. "

   " Yes, but it'll be an interesting situation. Good night Y/n. "

I nodded and waved goodbye. I walked out of the suite and down the elevator with the rest of the task force.

   " Let me give you a ride home Y/n. "

   " Thank you Mr. Yagami I appreciate the ride. "

   " Anytime. "

   " I can see why Ryuzaki wants you on the task force with him Y/n. You are just as smart as him. You answered questions for him and finished his sentences for him when he asked or couldn't. " Matsuda said astonished. 

   " Thank you, Matsuda. We've worked on the case together since the beginning and I'm glad we continue to work on it. "

   " Does Light know of this? "

   " No, he doesn't. It's very confidential. As Ryuzaki said earlier please keep everything a secret. That means keeping me a secret as well. None of you are to say my name to anyone but yourselves unless we are back in that meeting room. Mr. Yagami, please don't let anything slip to Light or anyone since we know each other as family. This is all for my sake and safety purposes. I trust you all but I do not wish to die so soon. "

   " We understand. " Mr. Yagami said.

The rest of the task force nodded and I got in Mr. Yagami's car with him. He started driving towards our neighborhood. 

   " How have your parents been? "

   " I don't know. They've been on a lot of business trips so they haven't been home. "

   " So, you've been home alone? "

   " Yes, and no. Most nights I'm home alone, but others I'm working and stay the night. "

   " I see. Why don't you join my family tomorrow for dinner? We would love to have you over. I bet Light want's to see you eagerly. "

   " Sounds like fun. I want to see Light very eagerly too. "

   " Great! It's a plan. "

I smiled as I thought about tomorrow. I looked out the window and saw my house in view. Before I got out of the car Mr. Yagami stopped me with another question.

   " One more question Y/n. "

   " Yes, Mr. Yagami? "

   " Have you and my son ever.....ever tie the knot? "

   ' I don't know what to tell him. Light didn't tell him or his family. Why? '

   " That's a very interesting question. I haven't really had time to think about those types of things. With work and school, I haven't thought much about it. "

   " Maybe you should. "

   " Maybe. Thank you for the ride, Mr. Yagami. "

   " Anytime Y/n. "

I got out of the car and walked inside my house. I locked the door behind me and quickly made my way to my bed and passed out on it. 

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now