Light Joins the Task Force

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I woke up and got changed for the day and walked out of my house. I took a bus to the hotel the task force was set up at and walked inside the lobby. I rode the elevator to his floor and walked out. I saw Light standing in front of the hotel room day.

    " Hey, Light. "

    " Oh, hey, Y/n. Are you ready to have me on your team? "

   " Yes. We need another smart mind on the team. Along with your deductive skills. "

   " Thanks. I'm just glad I can work and spend more time with you. "

   " I agree. "

   " I brought this for you. "

He handed me F/c rose. The thorns were taken off of the rose and the stem was cut a little shorter.

   " Thanks, Light. "

He just smiled at me and we both turned towards the door. Light knocked on the door and Mr. Yagami opened it. I put the stem of the rose in my pocket and let the petals hangout. Light and I walked further into the hotel room and I could see the task force waiting to great Light. Ryuzaki was the first to step up and say hello to Light. He held his hand out for him to shake and Light shook it.

   " Thank you, Light. "

   " Not at all. After all, I want to catch Kira as much as you do Ryuga. "

   " I'll have to ask that you call me Ryuzaki here. "

Then everyone started introducing themselves to him. I walked over to stand by the task force as we continued.

   " Okay, let's get down to work. You can start by looking over all the information we've collected. I would also like you to examine these videos. They were sent to the TV station but were never aired. For security reasons you're not allowed to take notes..."

Everyone had their eyes on Light as he started watching the tapes. We had all discussed last night about how we couldn't tell Light about the second Kira. Everyone questioned it at first but I understood what it meant. I'm not gonna lie when I entered the room with Light his demeanor changed. It turned more sinister and evil. I would tell Ryuzaki later about what I felt. As everyone watched Light I sat on the couch and started going over everything I knew of Kira from the start to now.

( Light's P.O.V. )

   " So, what do you make of this Light? Have you come to any conclusions? "

I turned to face Ryuzaki and the rest of the task force. The only person who didn't have their eyes on me was Y/n and she was looking over some files.

   ' Damn it's a test! '

   " It's hard to say for sure but there might be another person out there with Kira's power. "

   " Kira's power? What do you mean by that Light? " My father asked.

   " At the very least I would say this tape is not created by the Kira we're familiar with. It's extremely out of character for him to use these kinds of victims for his killings and since we have established he needs a name and a face to kill it makes you wonder how he was able to kill that detective and those two officers right outside the television station like that. "

   " It's the same. "

   " It's almost exactly how Ryuzaki and Y/n said it. " Matsuda and Aizawa said amazed

   " I think you're exactly right about that. We also believe this is the work of a second Kira." Ryuzaki said.

   ' I knew it. '

   " So, you knew about this all along Ryuzaki? Which means this was just a test? "

   " It wasn't my intention to test you. The truth is if I was the only one who thought there was a second Kira it wouldn't be too convincing, but the fact that we both came to the same conclusion makes my theory that much more believable. As expected you did not disappoint us. You've been a great help. It's decided then. First, we have to focus on stopping this copy cat. "

I listened to Ryuzaki as he talked but I took a glance over at Y/n. She seemed to pause. She didn't move. Her eyes were starring down at one spot on the floor. She looked to deep in thought and when she's that deep in thought she's found something.

( Your P.O.V. )

   " I would like you to play the part of the real Kira. "

   " Huh!? "

I looked up from the floor and stared at the two.

   " Me? As Kira? "

   " Yes, you're the only one I can think of that would be able to pull something like this off. At any rate, we don't have time to waste. Do you think you could script a message from Kira in time for it to be aired on this evening's national news? "

   " Yes, I can. "

   " Great. Get to work then. "

I went back to my train of thought.

   ' Has Light always referred to Kira as ' he '? Why never she? We have always said he or she. How does Light know it's a he? I need to review our past conversations. '

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ