He Really Cares

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We waited until Mr. Yagami was through the door to talk. He was being supported by Watari as he walked in. 

   " Welcome back Chief. "

   " Ryuzaki. I apologize for taking matters into my own hands. I have to admit that I got a little bit carried away. "

We all stood and walked closer to Mr. Yagami.

   " No," Ryuzaki said as softly as he could. Mr. Yagami handed us the tapes.

   " These are all of the tapes in an envelope. Everything Kira sent to the station is in here. "

   " I can't thank you enough. "

   " I think I better rest for a minute. "

   " Please do. You deserve it, Mr. Yagami. Y/n please do so as well. We can't forget that you both had bad health. Light told me about how you passed out after I left because of working yourself so hard. Please rest. "

   " I'm fine. I'll rest after we get this settled. "

Ryuzaki started going through everything in the envelope. He pulled out the tapes and an envelope that was sent from Osaka. We couldn't really rely on that since Kira could control people with their death. 

   " Mr. Aizawa, can you please take this to the crime lad right away? "

   " I still have a couple of friends down there. I'll make sure they go over every inch of this. "

   " That's good please do so. While you're doing that I'm going to watch these tapes to see if they can tell us anything. "

   " What do you need me to do Ryuzaki? "

   " As I said, rest. Y/n, you and Mr. Yagami have collapsed hours ago. You are not ready to come back yet. I noticed that you were shaking and you were gripping your chest where your heart should be. Mr. Yagami had a heart attack, you are lucky to not have one with how hard you both work. Please go and rest. "

   " But-"

He rested his hand on my shoulder and brought me close and hugged me. 

   " Mr. Ukita died tonight of a heart attack. I don't want to lose anyone else tonight. Especially, when the heart attack wasn't from Kira, but from working and pushing yourself too hard. Please go to rest Y/n. You need to sleep. In the morning you can work again but for now please clear your mind and go sleep in the guest room down the hall. "

   " Ryuzaki..."

   " Please Y/n. I care about you a lot. I don't want you to die. If you died I wouldn't be able to think clearly. Y/n you are very important to me. If it was up to me I wouldn't have asked you to help me that long time ago because of how dangerous this has now become. Please go rest. "

   " F-Fine. "

   " Thank you. "

He kissed my forehead and walked away. He walked to the table and I walked to the guest room. I opened the door and walked to the bed. I fell asleep quickly and it was the best rest I had in a long while. When I woke up I felt well-rested and I felt better. I showered and walked to the living room. From there Ryuzaki started talking about the tapes.

If the police had said yes to cooperating then Kira wanted us to continue to broadcast the names of more criminals. Mainly criminals who have assaulted others and taken advantage of the weak. Then he wants L and the top brass from the NPA to appear on TV making a public announcement. 

   " That would only be putting our lives in his hands. He would know our face and name. He needs us to reveal our faces in case he needs to kill us if we do anything odd. Our lives would be insurance. "

   " Correct Y/n. "

   " What about if the police said no? "

   " The wording was different but it was more or less the same thing. Mr. Yagami, it should go without saying, that the answer is no. Please have someone take tape number 4 over to Sakura TV and otherize them to broadcast it. "

He turned the TV on to Sakura TV and we watched the tape being played. I sat beside Ryuzaki and watched it as it played. Kira threatened to take the life of L or the director of the NPA. I realized something. 

   ' Kira would never kill the innocent that would be senseless. So, why would he kill those broadcasters and not criminals? To make his appearance more known? '

We all left the TV and sat in the living room. Mr. Yagami had to take a call and Watari brought a cake into the room. I grabbed a slice and ate it. Mr. Yagami was back by the time I was halfway finished. 

   " It seems several of our member countries want the real L to be on TV, live. "

   " I think that's the most appropriate choice among the options. Well, we still have three days before it happens maybe we can find some countermeasure. After all this, it would really annoy me..."

He took a pause to eat his cake. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he was making it but listened anyway.

   " ...If I'm killed by the first person to jump on the Kira bandwagon. "

   " Ryuzaki what do you mean by that? "

   " I'll let Y/n explain. I believe she has figured it out by now. "

   " I was going to propose this idea later, but last night before I slept I had a thought and the more I think about it the more it makes sense. "

   " What is it? " Aizawa asked eagerly.

   " That this Kira is a fake. A second Kira if you will. "

   " I-I don't understand. "

   " Then allow me to explain further. Ryuzaki? "

   " Go ahead. "

   " The victims he used as predictions on tape number one. Their purpose was to prove to Sakura TV staff that he is Kira. Both of their names were reported in tabloids and day time talk shows. So, they weren't exactly hardened criminals. The real Kira has no need to prove himself using such insignificant criminals. I was wrong last night when I said they were innocent. In the second Kira's perspective, he would want to make absolutely certain that he didn't predict the death of a criminal would be killed by the real Kira first. "

   " What's the probability that there is a second Kira? " Mr. Yagami asked.

   " This time I would say its more than 70 percent. I really don't like how he operates. It's not like Kira. " Ryuzaki said finishing his tea and cake. 

   " Not like him? " Matsuda questioned

   " In the past, he has tried to avoid innocent people with the exception of those that are trying to catch him. Anyway, if we can capture one Kira, I think that'll provide us with a lot of insight on how to find the other one. " I said finishing my cake. 

   " Correct. Mr. Yagami, I'd like your permission to ask your son to cooperate with us on this investigation. "

   " If you want my son to join the task force then does that mean you no longer suspect him? "

   " Well, I can't say that he has been completely cleared, but his deductive abilities would be of value to us right now. "

   " If my son wants to cooperate with you I have no reason to prevent it. "

   " I appreciate that, however, please don't tell him that we think this latest Kira might be a fake. I don't want him to know that yet. We want to make it appear to him that we are still chasing the same, Kira. " 

We all nodded in understanding. 

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