Light's Mistake

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  " Y/n come sit with me as we talk to the second L. "

I nodded and came to sit beside him. He gave me a drawing board so I could draw on it to tell him something as he talked. We didn't want Light knowing I was here yet. they made contact and started talking. Mainly about the rules being fake. Near played with tarot cards as they talked.

   " I thought you might say so. I've come to the same conclusion. "

   " Hmm. Shinigami, you know the rules of the notebook well. Tell us. Are any of them false? "

   " Nope, they are all real. " We heard

Near then smiled. I had reached the same conclusion and realized that Light messed up.

   " I see. You have a shinigami there with you? "

   " Yes. "

   " Is that so? I think I'm beginning to get the picture. In other words, Kira is there in the room and he's making the shinigami lie on his behalf. "

I picked up a tarot card and flipped it over. It was the Devil card. Near looked at me and nodded and I nodded back at him and started to write on the board.

   ' You are right. Kira is there. Light messed up and uttered that without thinking. '

It was quiet on the other end for a while. I wrote on my board again and tapped Near's shoulder.

   ' Say this: If there's a problem I suggest we verify the rule this way. I will volunteer to write down Mello's real name in the notebook. Of course, that means he'll die. If I also die 13 days later, well then I guess Kira wins. '

He said it but when he finished my sentence he added a little more to it. All he added was ' Wither way, it's a gamble I'm quite willing to make. '

   " So, this is just a game to him? " I heard Matsuda say on the other end.

   " Testing and confirming the 13-day rule can only benefit the Kira investigation. And other than my possible death, there would be no drawbacks. I'm willing to put my life on the line if it will help us solve the case. "

   " Could you please wait for a moment? We need to discuss your suggestion. "

We heard him turn off the mellophone and I looked at Near.

   " You're good. "

   " Thanks. You are too. L was right. You and he share the same thoughts. "

   " That's correct. "

   " Near, we've talked it over and we can't allow you to use the Notebook like that. "

Near handed me the speaker and I spoke into it. The voice changer was still on so they couldn't recognize my voice.

   ' He's seeing how well I'll do in these circumstances. '

   " I had a feeling you might say that. No matter. I have one more question before we end this call. To the members of the Japanese Task Force...was there ever a point in the investigation where the second L was suspected to be Kira, even if the suspicions were later dropped? If you've been listening to our conversation so far and have any intention of helping my investigation and taking down Kira, then call the number I'm about to give you. Day or night, I will answer. The choice is up to you."

I ended the call and look to Near. He was already sending the number to them. When he finished he looked at me.

   " Now, it's time for me and you to talk about what happened down there. "

   " Alright. "

   " Who was the original L suspicious of? "

   " His suspicions were on Light Yagami. The second L you've been talking to. "

   " How long was he suspected? "

   " He was suspected for a long time. L narrowed it down to someone in the task forces family. From there he sent a spy to follow the family members. He mainly focused on Light Yagami. then a second Kira came into the situation.  He figured out it was Misa Amane. We put her in containment and then Light told L to put him in containment. We did and he stayed in containment for over 13 days. On the last day, he claimed he was stupid and didn't belong in there. We let him and Misa go free. We moved to a new task force building where we watched Misa who he never stopped claiming was the second Kira. He was right. But he always had his suspicions of Light until he ' died '. So he never was off of suspicion. "

   " I see. How do you feel about Light Yagami? "

   " We have been friends since childhood. We depended on each other. When it was our last year in high school he was starting to act weird. "

   " How so? "

   " He became closer to me and worried about where I was. His aura changed from normal to menacing. Then when he joined the task force and met L it only increased until he started playing innocent on the last day of his containment. "

   " What is your relationship? "

   " He thinks of me as a lover. "

   " What do you see him as? "

   " I-I'm not entirely sure. "

  " You're like Mello. Your feelings get in the way of things. "

   " They don't. l can tell you that. It's just difficult for me to figure out what we are because he still shows me affection like he used to but he is Kira without a doubt. "

   " I understand. What do you know about the notebook? "

   " Well, I have the same amount of information that you have. The shinigami that was with Misa died but again that's it. "

   " Alright. Go get something to eat from the kitchen. I know you have the same sweet tooth as L does. "

   " Thank you. "

I stood up from my seat and started walking towards the kitchen. I grabbed F/s and started eating it.

   ' How in the world did I even get here? I was just a regular student who got amazing grades and now I'm working with the greatest detectives in the world to fight against a killer whos friends with a shinigami. I also have both L and Kira becoming stuck with me in a love triangle. '

I took another bite of the treat and smiled.

   ' Who would have thought I would be here? '

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now