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There haven't been any new leads in a while. All the data was deleted so we had to start from scratch again and with what we had from memory. We had to move from the task force building to somewhere new, but I stayed at the task force building. I lived there, it was my home. Lawliet and Watari were also there. Light had moved to an apartment not too far from the building and Misa lives with him. It was quiet around the building. It was dead. It brought back a lot of memories of working together in the building before Lawliet's death. The Japanese task force lost a lot. We weren't doing so well. Sayu was even kidnapped at some point. Only because of the mafia and the American government got involved. How the American government got involved was from Lawliet's successor.

( Flashback )

Light had become the second L. We were all sitting in the room trying to listen to the music in the background of Sayu's kidnapping photo. We got a call and Light picked up the phone. I was right beside him so I could hear what was on the other end.

  " I'm pleased to meet you at last, L number two. "

Light didn't look pleased and the voice on the other end of the phone had a voice changer so we couldn't hear their real voice.

   " Number two? What do you mean by that? Who is this? "

   " There's really no point in trying to hide it. We are a new organization known as the SPK or Special Provision for Kira. It was established to find and capture Kira without the help of L. Furthermore, seven of our top members already know of L's death. As for myself, I'm at the center of the SPK. You can address me as N. "

They both paused for a minute, and it honestly felt like Lawliet was still alive and talking on the other end of the phone.

   " I told you we don't rely on L but that's a bit of an understatement. The FBI and the CIA have explicitly asked that I head up their investigation, not you. Having said that, we are outraged by the recent murder of the director of the NPA and feel something must be done. After revealing the information, I believe there's a possibility that solving this case could lead to the arrest of Kira. As such, I'm willing to lend you my full support. Is there a problem, L? "

   " No. It's just following the death of Takimura, Deputy Director Yagami's daughter was kidnapped and we believe the same person is behind it. He's arranged for a trade in Los Angeles. "

   " A trade? The girl in exchange for the notebook, I assume? "

  " Yes. "

   " Understood. I'll have a tea on standby in L.A. but for now, they'll be working on a need-to-know-basis. My cell can monitor the city via satellite, or...On second thought, I'll let you have full authority on this, L. "

Then he hung up the phone.

( Flashback Over )

It became hectic after that. The rescue operation happened while I stayed at the task force building. From there I observed what was going on with Lawliet.

   " He's proving to N he is unreliable. "

Lawliet would say that a lot when we listened to the conversations between N and Light. We also learned the leader of the mafia who kidnapped Sayu was Mello. Both N and Mello were going to be Lawliet's successors but he never picked which one would succeed him. Sayu was rescued but the notebook was then in the hands of the mafia in America.

   " This is a mess. "

   " It is. Why don't we contact N? "

   " What?  Why would you want to do that? "

   " So, I can show my successor that I am alive. If he needs help I will be here if he needs it, but only in a life or death situation. "

   " Alright. "

Watari brought us both drinks and went to sit on the couch as we contacted N. We waited until an N appeared on the screen. If we could see the N he would surely see an L on his.

   " Hello? Who is this? "

   " N this is L. The original. "

   " Is it now? "

   " It is, I wanted to let you know I am alive and I will help you in any way you need, but I can only help if it's a life or death situation, seeing as everyone believes I'm dead. "

   " And how do I know this isn't the second L trying to trick me? "

   " Alright here is your proof. "

Lawliet tapped two buttons and then finally enter. The screen changed and it showed half of it covered by an N and the other half was a camera pointing toward us.

   " Hello, again N. "

The N disappeared and showed a boy sitting in his chair with one knee up and his left hand was resting on his knee. He had white hair and pale skin. His eyes were dark. He was playing with a piece of hair on the side of his head.

   " You really are alive. "

   " I am. "

   " How? I thought you died due to the notebook. "

   " My friend here saved me. " He said gesturing to me.

I looked at N and nodded my head.

   " She saved both Watari and I. We were able to escape and live. Kira still doesn't know my real name due to Y/n's great plan. She saved both of us and has seemed to surpass me. "

   " She surpassed you? Did she happen to be in the Wammy's institution? "

   " No, she wasn't. She has never even heard of the institution. "

   " Interesting. Are you planning on taking the case back? "

   " No, I'm staying on the sidelines for this one. Kira thinks I am dead and that's how it should stay until the end. "

   " I understand. Is there anything you would like to say Y/n? "

   " Yes, actually. I want to warn you. The team we have here, the one working with the second L, has already found your alias name. It's Near. They researched Wammy's house and were able to get sketches of your face along with Mello's own face. The second Kira knows what you both look like but he doesn't know your real names. "

   " Alright, thank you for the information. We'll be in contact. I will work with you until the end and see if you and I both can surpass L together Y/n. "

   " Alright. "

He hung up the phone, but when he did my phone rang. I picked it up and heard Misa on the other end. She sounded like she was crying.

   " Misa what's wrong? "

   " Y/n could you come over and help me? "

   " Sure. "

I looked at Lawliet and said goodbye. I ran to Misa's apartment with Light and knocked on the door. When it opened Misa was standing there in tears but they weren't happy ones.

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now