Our Old Plans

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We watched the cameras as Misa and some models of her agency served and entertained people in her hotel room. Matsuda was off to the side. Misa was doing good. I noticed Matsuda had grabbed a few drinks as we planned. Then he ran to the bathroom and called Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki then told him of a plan to fake his death. I could see back in the main room all the Yotsuba men were holding and canoodling the girls. We left the building and started getting prepared for Matsuda's stunt. We arrived at the building right on time. We waited and then we heard his scream. I saw the bag fall and hit the ground. It looks like Mogi and Mr. Yagami were able to catch him. The conman filled in for the role and laid on the ground. I sat in front of the ambulance getting ready to drive off as soon as Light and Ryuzaki got in with the stretcher. When the door shut I started driving off. 

   " While, I am aware of the fact that we're shorthanded, I'm not very pleased about having to do this sort of thing myself. Matsuda you idiot. "

Later on, we figured out the building's security with Wendy's help.

   " It's been about a week since I snuck into that place. It seems everything is going pretty smoothly huh? " Matsuda said with a smile.

   " We've almost got them. " Light cheered.

   " So, one of these people...is Kira. " Ryuzaki said eating a chocolate ball.

I continued to watch the screen until I took a breath in. Then I blew it out and started walking towards the stairs.

   " Y/n are you okay? "

I looked back to see Light and Ryuzaki both looking at me. Light was the one who asked, but Ryuzaki is curious.

   " I'm fine. I just need some air. "

I left the room and walked up the stairs. When I made it to the second floor my legs got tired so I took the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the top floor of the building. I waited until the elevator reached the top. When it did I took the stairs up to the roof. I opened the final door and walked on to the roof. The wind was light as it blew. It was dark because of how late it was. The stars were out and the full moon was high in the sky. I took a seat and leaned against the small building leading to the stairs.

   ' The stars are beautiful tonight. How in the world have I gotten this far? I used to work in a bakery and I had a plan for my life and I would go to college with Light because of how smart we are. Now, I'm working with the greatest detective to find Kira in a group of businessmen. How did this even happen? '

   " Y/n? "

I looked up towards the door and saw Light standing there and looking down at me. I nodded and leaned my head against my arms. He walked closer and sat down in front of me.

   " Are you sure you're okay? "

   " I'm fine. Just thinking. "

   " About what? "

   " How I got here. How I'm working with L when I was working at a bakery. "

   " I know it's a weird transition but you'll get used to it. You worked with him for so long I would have thought you would be used to it. "

   " I was. I was used to going to a hotel every so often and helping him. Then you joined the task force. It started escalating from there. Especially when you admitted that you might be Kira. It's just...something. "

   " I understand. I was just supposed to be a college student at the top of our class and ask the girl I liked out on a date. The date would go well and we would be together for a while and after we were both out of college  I would find a stable job. Then ask her to live with me and ask her to marry me later on. It seems like my plans are gone now. "

   " Looks like we are in the same boat. I just can't believe I'm here. "

   " You really aren't used to this yet. It'll be okay. We are going to catch Kira and this will all be fixed. We can go back to our normal lives. Okay? "

   " Okay. I'm just going to relax here for a bit. Why don't you go back? "

   " No, I think I'll stay here with you. "

He scooted and sat right beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

   " Just, relax for now. "

I nodded my head and leaned my head on my shoulders. I kept starring at the stars and relaxed.

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now