Kira 1 and 2 are Detained

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After 3 days she finally started talking, but I couldn't bear to hear what she was saying. She wanted to die and she tried to bite her tongue. I couldn't watch what was going on so while Ryuzaki talked to her I would leave and help Watari with any chores he had. Matsuda would always talk with me during this time too. It seems he couldn't watch the poor girl in that condition.

   ' Misa, please. I can't look at that screen with you chained up like that with a gag in your mouth. '

Then another few days went by until she started talking again. I was about to leave the room until Ryuzaki talked.

   " Y/n I want you to stay for this one. "

   " Why? "

   " You know her behavior more than the rest of us. I'm sorry you have to see her like this, but you must stay for this one time. "

   " It'll be fine Y/n. " Matsuda told me.

I nodded and walked to Ryuzaki. He patted the seat next to him and I sat down next to him. He put a comforting arm around me and I listened to what Misa Amane said.

   " Mr. Stalker? Hello, Mr. Stalker where are you right now? D-Do you think we could stop playing this game? "

   " Her attitude has definitely changed. " I said.

I glanced at Ryuzaki and he looked utterly confused. The small chocolate cupcake that he was about to put in his mouth stayed in his hand as his face was shocked and unmoving. I grabbed the small cupcake and tossed it in my mouth.

   " Mr. Stalker this is illegal. You have to stop. Okay? Come on. Please? "

   " Does she really think she can get out of this playing dumb? " Matsuda implied.

   " Maybe. Does she think she can? The second Kira wasn't really that intellectual anyways. " I said softly.

Mr. Yagami looked like he was tired of this. He looked exhausted.

   " Okay, how about this? You can at least take off my blindfold don't you think? It'll be nice to see what you look like. "

   " Matsuda, call Mogi for me. " Ryuzaki finally said.

He dialed the number and handed the phone to Ryuzaki and Ryuzaki asked Mogi,

   " Mr. Mogi when you apprehended Misa Amane you made it clear that she was a suspect am I correct? "

I could hear Mogi through the phone. She started speaking again.

   " What if I gave you an autograph or shake your hand? I know! I should give you a kiss on the cheek if you want. Oh, come on. I won't run away, I promise. "

   " Misa Amane," Ryuzaki called. He clicked the left button so his voice would change when she heard it.

   " What's that Mr. Stalker? Are you planning to release me? "

   " Before you passed out you barely spoke. You even asked me to kill you. And now you are claiming ignorance? "

   " I don't understand. I mean you're the one who knocked me out and brought me here remember? Wait I get it. This is some kind of Misa Amane interrogation fantasy am I right? "

   " Oh my God. " I said.

This continued to go on for a while. She played ignorance and didn't know what was going on. Everyone seemed to get somewhat mad. Matsuda even grabbed the microphone and told her to stop being stupid. She kept claiming Ryuzaki was a stalker and claimed he was a pervert and wanted to watch her go to the bathroom.

   " You pervert! "

   " I'm a pervert? " He questioned.

They went back to talking about why she was there and who Light Yagami was. I felt like I was losing brain cells by the minute just listening to her talk and claiming she didn't know what was going on. She still remembered Light and that they were girlfriend and boyfriend so...what changed? Light eventually came and he looked dejected.

   " Ryuzaki, like I said over the phone. I could be Kira. "

   ' What? First Misa quits and now Light is admitting it. What is going on here? '

I turned towards Light and stood up. Mr. Yagami was not happy at all to hear what his son had just said. I was so confused and Ryuzaki must have been questioning why Light came to confess when there was no evidence. Light just gave up. Light gave his case of why he was Kira. As he said it all made sense. So why come here to confess?

   " I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'd never kill someone but unconsciously who knows what I'm capable of. Another me could be killing as I sleep. "

   " I'm afraid that's not possible. "

   " Impossible? What do you mean? "

   " Well, I never mentioned this to you but I once put hidden security cameras in your room for 5 days. Every single night you slept normally. Criminals whos names were broadcast were still dying. Even when you had no way of knowing about them. This didn't prove your innocence to me all it proved was that if you were Kira no amount of surveillance would reveal that fact. "

   " That fact could be true. I've been finding myself lately starting to think Like Kira. "

   ' This just doesn't make any sense. Kira would kill during the day. Before we even figured out that he was able to control the time of death he could kill during the day. Light wouldn't have been able to unconsciously be Kira. There's no way that makes sense with the timeline of events. '

   " Honestly I don't like the way this is going but what choice do I have? Let's do it. I need you to fully restrain Light Yagami and place him in solitary confinement. "

   " What? You can't! " Mr. Yagami shouted.

   " If we are going to do this it has to happen immediately. From this point on I can't allow you to leave my sight at all. "

   " It's okay dad. Listen something has to be done about this. Ryuzaki promise me this. Until you can say for absolute certainty that I am not Kira you can not set me free. No matter what I say or what condition I am in. "

   " You have my word. "

Light then was stripped of his jacket leaving him in a black long-sleeved shirt and black pants. They put him in handcuffs. They were about to put a blindfold on him but before they could,

   "Wait. There's one more thing. "

   " Yes? "

   " Y/n? "

He turned to me and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands.

   " Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I cheated on you and I'm sorry that I could possibly be Kira. You are my best friend and I would never do anything to harm you. I'm sorry that you have to see me being detained. Thank you for helping me calm down that night. "

He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. Then he let go and they blindfolded him and put headphones on him. They took him away and I just stood there alone with Ryuzaki. I watched as they left and Ryuzaki stood up and walked behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and asked,

   " What happened last night? "

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