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I walked to the building with my parents in a fancy outfit. I was accepted into To-Oh University. We were having the ceremony today. I'm now a college student. I passed the exams with flying colors and made it into the university perfectly. I knew Light had made it as well. 

   " We are so proud of you Y/n. "

   " Thanks, mom, dad. "

We walked inside and waited for the ceremony to start. I sat near the front and waited. Light came and sat beside me and I smiled at him as he sat down.

   " Looks like we are going through this together huh? "

   " It seems like it. I'm glad we both passed our exams. "

   " Me too. Have fun with that speech up there by the way. "

   " Thanks. "

Then the ceremony started.

   " Now for the freshman address. Freshman representative Light Yagami. "

   " Yes. "

Then Light stood up with confidence.

   " And freshman representative Hideki Ryuga. "

   " Oh here. "

Light walked onto the stage with Ryuzaki following behind him. I could only assume he was making Light his target now since his life seemed normal and now he would be attending the same university. I was surprised I saw him wearing shoes for once. I could tell he didn't have socks on and he didn't try to slip his whole foot in so it left his heel resting on the heel of the shoe. They both walked up to the stage.

   " As all of us embark on this new chapter of our lives..."

I listened to the speech as it continued. Light did great giving the speech but once it was Ryuzakis turn you could see how little interest he had. I could hear everyone talk about how they were total opposites and how they had the highest scores and tied.

   " As we embark on this new chapter in our lives... "

They said the same speech as they were supposed to but Ryuzaki sounded like he had no interest in it at all. People around us continued to whisper about the two. They walked down the stairs and continued back to their seats. I could see Ryuzaki's lips moving. He was telling Light something. When they sat down I could hear what Ryuzaki was telling him.

   " You're planning to join the police agency when you graduate and you've already got experience as you've helped the police solve a number of cases in the past. Now, you're showing interest in the Kira case. I'm impressed by your abilities and sense of justice. If you promise not to tell anyone about this I have important information concerning the Kira investigation that I would like to share with you. "

   ' What is he going to tell him? Why is he saying all of this? I should have followed the investigation closer these past few days. It probably wouldn't have helped seeing as he probably only thought of this to himself. '

I could see Light glancing over at him with curiosity in his eyes.

   " I won't tell anyone. What is it? "

   " I want to tell you I'm L. "

   ' He told him. '

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. My adrenaline kicked once that sentence left his mouth. I couldn't believe it. he actually told him that he was L. I could see Light sitting with the same shocked look on his face. The shock left me as soon as my heartbeat got back at its right speed. 

   " If you are who you say you are then you have nothing but my respect and admiration. " Light replied to him.

   " Thank you. The reason I chose to reveal my identity to you is because I think you could be of some help to us on the Kira investigation. "

From there their conversation stopped and we all left the building once it was over. I walked out with Light. He looked very focused on something but I couldn't decipher what it was. 

   " Hey, Light. "

We stopped walking and I saw Ryuzaki walking up to us. His eyes never met mine but they stayed on Lights. 

   " Nice meeting you. "

   " No, the pleasure was mine. "

Then he walked closer to his limo. I didn't realize we were this close to it. 

   " Well, I'm sure I'll see you on campus. "

   " Yeah, take care. "

Then the limo drove away. I watched it as got further and further away from Light and me. We rode the subway back and I could tell something was wrong with Light. this made me a little suspicious of him.

   " Light what's wrong? "

   " Nothing. I'm just in a lot of thought. "

   " Okay. If you wanna talk I'm here. "

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight as we rode the subway. Then we said goodbye and I went home. I was concerned for Light but my thoughts went to Ryuzaki.

   ' His actions today were very bold. Why did he admit who he was? Sure his fake name is going to keep him safe but if Light was Kira then he would know the face. Light can't be Kira. He wouldn't do something like this. Would he? '

( Ryuk's P.O.V. )

   " I want nothing more than to kill him, but if I do it's like asking to be caught! Unfortunately, the Death note can only kill a person whose name is written in it. So, it's not like I can arrange for someone else to kill him. It's inconvenient and that's the flaw with the Death Note! "

   ' Light is usually so calm but he's snapped. This must be getting to him. '

   " At first I thought that if I found out his name I would have him die in an accident or kill himself. However, none of that will do me any good unless I know with 100% certainty that this guy is L. No, It's already too late to do anything about it. Since he's approached me and introduced himself as L. It doesn't matter how sure I am. regardless of the cause of death If L dies now the police are going to suspect me. I underestimated him. I never considered the possibility that he would reveal his identity to me on purpose. He got me it was a good move. " 

Then Light started to laugh and continued to explain how the game was going to be played. Two friends who were silently researching the other.

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now