Chapter 16

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The weeks went by and now they had been together for almost six months. They had kept their relation private, making sure to avoid any public event. He had been away shooting a movie for eight weeks now. It was the second time, even though the first time had been shorter, a month. They had fallen into a comfortable routine. He would make sure to contact her at least once a day. This time allowed them to get to know each other a little more. He was not perfect, by no means. He was annoyingly jealous and possessive. 

She wasn't expecting it. Their first argument was him being furious against her for going to her male colleague birthday party without him. No matter how hard she tried to make him understand that going together would let people know their "situation", he wouldn't listen. At some point she just left, leaving him mad at her. When she got back few hours later, he completely ignored her. That lasted for two days before she apologized to him. 

The second argument was her refusing to follow him at one of his friends' party in Miami on a week-end. He ended up staying, suspecting her to want him gone so she could run to another man. That set her up on fire. They spent that day yelling at each other. She should be the one worried not him. But here they were. She finally felt bad when he suddenly had an anxiety attack about the whole thing. Saying she was shocked at first was an understatement. She recovered fast though and help him through it.

It was the first time she saw him vulnerable. That part of him scared her a little. She had always seen him as a strong person, someone she could rely on no matter what. And seeing him so fragile, so vulnerable made her realized that everyone had their flaws. After that episode, she tried to document herself on the subject. It was the first time she actually googled him since they got together. She saw how uneducated she was about it. Apparently, it was something he had always been opened and public about. She couldn't believe how little she knew about the man she was married to.

Would she be able to be an anchor for him when needed?

That question kept bothering her for a while. Making her want to run away like a coward. But then, Nolam was still the charming and caring man he usually was. He wasn't pressuring her. He made her feel cherished and wanted. She was getting used to the attention he was giving her. 

Soon she realized she missed him whenever he was gone. She was slowly developing feeling toward him, more profound than lust. He had become a friend to her. A friend she could talk to when she had a hard day at work or was simply down. A friend who would massage her feet when she got back from work or when they were watching TV. 

He had turned her into his confident. A confident he would call when he was gone to lighten his days. A confident he would call when he was on the verge of going through a crisis and needed a peaceful and calming voice.

Their relationship had grown beyond the sexual aspect. They deeply cared about each other. Nolam knew it. For him, it was more than that. He had fallen in love with her. They had their ups and down. But he wouldn't trade any of it. He loved her with all his heart. He was so scared of losing her. He knew she cared about him, but he wasn't sure his feelings were mutual. And that scared the shit out of him, making him a jealous prick sometimes. He missed her so bad.

Nolam wanted to surprise her. He told her that he was supposed to be back in a week, only to prepare a surprise. He had ordered the food to be deliver at 8 pm. He would get home around 4 pm, prepare the house with scented candles, flower petals and a bubble bath for her to enjoy. He couldn't wait to have her into his arms.

When he arrived at their property he noticed her car was parked. Wasn't she supposed to be at work? He thought to himself. He paid the taxi and left his suitcases in the front. He could hear two persons talking, a woman and a man. They were talking in French. He stopped on his track to listen to what they were saying.

"J'y crois pas. Il est tellement stupide. (I can't believe it. He is so stupid)" Said the man.

"He! Ne sois pas méchant. (Hey! Don't be mean) " Said Clytia still laughing.

Nolam took one more step, not liking what he was hearing. They didn't see him. Clytia was sitting in front of a shirtless black man. The distance between them was almost inexistent. Nolam saw red at that moment. Not only was she cheating on him, but in their home!

"Clytia!" he almost growled in a low voice.

He watched her jump in surprise, then turn to face him, eyes wide opened. His hands were starting to shake a little in anger. He wanted nothing but to beat the crap out of that man, who didn't even seem to be bother. He was so hurt right now. He would have never thought she could betray him like that. That hurt so bad.

Clytia got up. She noticed that he was tensed and furrowed her brows in confusion before walking to him.

"Nolam! What a surprise!" She started as she stood in front of him.

She turned her head to look at the man behind her, then back at her husband. She sneaked her arms around his waist for a quick hug before taking a step back. The tension was palpable. It was so awkward.

"You should have told me you were coming back" she continued. "I would have picked you up at the airport."

He simply narrowed his eyes at her making her gulp. She grabbed this fist with her both hands. "Come on, let me introduce you to Carl, my brother."

She saw the look of confusion on his face. He looked past her at Carl who was now standing.

"Your brother?"

"Yeah. Nolam please meet Carl. Carl this is my husband."

"Mister Hollywood, I see." Said Carl while extended his hand to Nolam.

Nolam shook his hand. He could now see the resemblance between them. They had the same eyes and nose. However, Carl had stronger features and was about the same built as him.

He instantly felt ashamed for thinking so low of her. He walked with her by his side as they all sat.

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