Chapter 28

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It was now 11 pm. Nolam looked at his wife asleep. The doctors had decided to keep her on observation due to her low blood pressure. Nothing alarming, but better safe than sorry. She was too tired, both physically and emotionally to argue. They had to reschedule their departure, much to her anguish. Her mother, her brother, her uncle and his family stayed by their side till the end of the authorized visit hours.

Even if she said otherwise, she still expected the visit of her father. He could see the hope in her eyes turn to pain and sorrow every time the door got opened.

He was slowly falling asleep when he heard the door. He didn't bother to move from his spot. Probably one of the nurse. The person walked and stood few feet away from them. There stood his father-in-law. The look on his face was nothing like he had previously seen on the man. He looked uncertain, almost ... defeated.

Nolam stood up, not sure why he was there and what to say.

"Winter, would you mind having a few words with me outside?"


They both walked to the waiting room in silence. None of them sat. They stood in an uncomfortable silence before Clytia's father decided to speak.

"I don't like you Winter. Especially not for my daughter." He began without missing the anger shining in Nolam's eyes.

"However, no matter what my feelings toward your relationship is, I never wished what happened today. Part of it is my fault. I saw how much you care and how worried you were today. It made me realize that I might have to cut some slack."

"My family might be right about and your feelings for her. So, I will not interfere in your marriage with Clytia. But make sure to take good care of her, because I'll be watching you."

And with that, he left him and went back in the room.

Nolam knew that it would be the closest thing to an apology he would get from the man. It might have been really hard for him to talk like that. It was hard for him not to feel sorry for his in-law, even after everything that had happened.

He took a seat and laid his head back, his long legs stretched in front of him, giving him and Clytia some alone time.

Clytia felt a hand caressing her hair. She was heartbroken, from both of her losses: her baby and her dad. But Nolam had been present and supportive all along. She knew he was hurt too. He needed her. He should try to have some rest. They both needed it. She breathed slowly and opened her eyes, only to meet the brown eyes of her father.

Her own eyes began to water as they stare at each other. She tried to sit but he used his hand to maintain her.

"I'm so sorry baby." He let out, his eyes red.


"Let me finish. You were right. I raised you to fight for what you want and unfortunately you as strong headed as I am. It is your choice to make and I will be here for you along the way, like I should have been from the beginning. It hurts me to see you in this bed and to know that it is my fault."

"It is not your fault" she said softly as she pushed on her arms to sit.

He laughed, a bitter laugh.

"You also have a good heart Clytia. That is definitely a trait you took from your mom. You would still have your baby if it wasn't for how rude I was to you today. I'm sorry."

She leaned against him and sighed as he returned her embrace. "I'm sorry for disappointing you dad." She whispered against his chest after a while.

"He is not that bad." He answered in her hair.

"Who?" she asked gently getting out of his arms, her brows furrowed.

For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he smiled. "Winter!"

"Oh!" was all she said as she gasped, before laughing with him.

"Do you love him?" he wondered as they finally stop.

"Yes, I do." She recognized as she looked at him anxious.

"Well, he better be careful with my baby."

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