Chapter 27

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He leaned toward her and said "I'll tell you what I said to your husband: Leave my house!"  Emphasizing on each word.

His eyes, bore into hers, were sending daggers. It was easy to read the anger and disgust on his face.

Alex was speechless. He couldn't understand why his brother was so vindictive. He felt sorry for his niece. He knew how hard on her the problem was. And it pained him to realize that he was helpless. He looked at her lowering her head a moment before replying.

"No! I'm not leaving." Finally getting up from her position to face him one more time.

Her father did the same thing and stood tall and proud, forcing her to raise her head to look at him.

"I don't like to repeat myself Clytia. You better leave before I lose my shit!"
"I won't dad. You can lash out on me if it help you release some tension. But I'm not leaving. Not until you accept to give us a chance."

Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and started walking toward the exit.

"Dad, what are you doing? Stop, please!" she pleaded as she was dragged out.

"Joseph! Stop this nonsense now!" Yelled her uncle behind as he followed them, making her father turn around to face him, still holding her.

"Nonsense!" he roared. "You came in my house with that idiot to... She is lucky I don't beat some sense into her!" he kept, screaming. "She thinks she is stubborn, I'll show her that I can be more stubborn."

"Calm down!"
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"Dad, please" begged Clytia as she was trying to remove her arm from his firm grip.

"Shut up!" he snarled through gritted teeth.  

Out of nowhere she grabbed her lower belly with her free hand. She closed her eyes, trying o numb the pain that was building.

"Dad! It hurts." she blew one more time between two shallow breaths.

He released her arm and looked at her, all traces of anger vanished. She leaned against the nearest wall, tears running on her cheeks.

"Save my baby!" she let out before collapsing.

Nolam arrived at the hospital with his mother in law, knots in his belly. They had been informed that Clytia had been transferred there after collapsing.

They has been welcomed by her uncle in the hospital hall. He walked them in her room to find her laying on a bed, pale, while her father was on a chair defeated.

He went straight to her after giving a polite "Sir!" to the man.

"Honey!" he murmured as he caressed her hair. "Are you okay?"

She gave him a small smile as she nodded. "Where is my mom?"

"Je suis là Cly!" she answered as she went to her daughter's side.
Clytia murmured something in her ears, before she asked to be left alone with her.

Two hours later...
Nolam was getting more anxious as the time passed. He didn't know what had happened. And with her father moody in the waiting room, it was pretty tense.

He tried his best to remain calm but the more he was left in the silence, the more anxious he became. He couldn't wait any longer. He walked back to her room to find her crying with her mom who was trying to comfort her.

"Hey:" he said making his presence known.
"Nolam, entre! Vous avez des choses à vous dire. (Come in! You Guys need to talk.)" Simply stated her mother as she left the room.

"You scared me Clytia."
"I'm sorry. How did you know what my mom was saying?"
"I speak French honey, with four other languages."

"How come I didn't know that?"
"That is not relevant. We can talk about that later. Now I need you to tell me what happened? They won't tell me anything. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I... it was a miscarriage." She let out, staring at him to judge his reaction. He gasped, his jaws clenched in horror.

"Misca... You are ... were ... pregnant!" he stuttered. His eyes roamed over her figure, lingering on her stomach as he grabbed her hand.

"I ... did you know?" he asked, his eyes getting wet.
"That I was pregnant? Yes" she answered with another sad smile. "I wanted to surprise you when we would be back home. It didn't turn out as planned."

"How? Why?" he asked again, his brows frowned.
"The doctor said too much stress."
"How? ... you were at the spa. It shouldn't have happen. Oh my god! I'm so sorry honey. We're still young, so..."

"Nolam, stop! I wasn't at the spa. I was with my father."
"Oh no! Clytia! I know he is your dad, but..."

"Don't say a thing Nolam. As you said it's my father. No matter how mad I am at him, you don't have the right to bad mouth him."

Nolam sighed as he paced beside her, his hands wreaking havoc in his hair. Clytia needed him. He couldn't collapsed. He had to be strong for her. After several minutes, he stopped and returned to her, taking her hand in his.

"How are you? For real Clytia!"

"It hurts." She recognized. "When I find out I was pregnant, I was scared at first, and then I got so happy. Beginning our own family, you, our baby and me. I wanted to find the perfect moment to tell you. Then, the whole drama with my dad, I thought later. We still had time. I guess I was wrong." She sobbed.

He got in the bed with her and they cuddled, supporting each other pain.

"Nolam, can you go fetch my dad?" she asked against his chest.

"I'm not letting him anywhere near you Clytia."

"I need to talk to him. Please!"

"Fine" he finally conceited.

He came back few moments later alone. "He is gone. I'm sorry."

That was really the end. There was no coming back now. Her father had made his choice and she had hers. The bridge was definitely broken and she had lost the first man in her life.

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