Chapter 64

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Nolam and Clytia were both dressed in the hotel bathrobes while eating a pizza. None of them wanted to go to a restaurant. They had spent the rest of their afternoon talking, playing and drinking. It had been a while since they were so carefree and relaxed.

Nolam was looking at the last slice of pizza that was calling his name when he noticed before taking a sip of his beer. "We have no clothes here."

"Yeah. But I don't mind. You can walk around here naked if you want to." Clytia replied, while she looked at him from head to toe, a smile on her lips, before holding eye contact with him.

"Is that so?" He replied with a grin, the pizza forgotten.

Slowly she slid a sleeve, revealing her naked shoulder. She looked down, biting her lip, then up with an innocent look. "I could even drop the robe" she began. "We have not tried the bed yet. It could be the perfect opportunity."

"That an interesting offer." Nolam leaned towards her, his elbows on the table. "I might need a little convincing though." He licked his lips.

Clytia mirrored his movement, elbows on the table, her fingers playing with his. Her eyes mischievous, she leaned a little more towards him, leaving an inch between their lips. Her eyes went from his eyes to his lips, before going back to his eyes. She licked his lips, then bit his lower lip. Nolam smiled. He was about to snake his arms around her when she backed off, giggling. It took him few second to realise. She had the last piece of pizza in her hand.

"Oh... You little minx." He gasped, making her laugh. "Come on. That's not fair. I wanted that piece." He pouted, his arms now crossed on his chest, sulking while she took a big bite of the pizza.

"Awww. You can't be mad at a girl for being hungry!" She laughed.

Nolam couldn't remember when was the last time they had so much fun together. He loved seeing her so serene and lively.

God! I love her so much. Can't believe I almost lost her. Damn! That would have been the biggest mistake of my life. This marriage is definitely the best mistake I've ever made. Look at her. She doesn't even realize how sexy she is, without even trying. He looked at her lips and his mind pictured them around his cock.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." Clytia chuckled as she finished the last bite.

"You sure you don't want to join me in the gutter?" He replied, his brow raised, his head slightly cocked on the side. "It could be really, really fun."

"Nope. You're drunk Nolam. You need to sleep."

"Party pooper." He said getting up and throwing himself on the bed. "For your information, Mrs. Winter, I am not drunk, just tipsy.

"If you say so." She replied, joining him. She snuggled into him. He tightened his grasp. He was relieved to notice that his mother ministrations had helped her gain back the weight she had lost. She fitted so well in his arms. He didn't want the night to end. He didn't want to go to sleep. "Let's go to a nightclub."

Clytia raised her head, one hand on his chest "Who are you? What have you done to my husband?"

Nolam laughed. "I don't want the night to end. I want to dance. I want you to dance for me. On me." He admitted. He looked at her, hopeful. He really wanted to have fun.

"We don't any appropriate clothes. I can dance for you here, if you want."

"Nah. Come on. I'm pretty sure we can find a decent store to buy clothes, and we go from there to the club."

"I don't know."

"Pretty please." He begged. "You owe me for that last piece of pizza you ate all by yourself."

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