Chapter 42

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It had been two months since Nolam saw Clytia. It was driving him crazy. He was an anxious walking ball of nerves.

After spending days as a recluse, Daisy forced the truth out of him. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. From that moment she refused to talk to him for anything that wasn’t work related and told him, not so nicely, to pray that Clytia wouldn’t press charges.

And surprisingly she did not!

However, she was simply ignoring him. He had call her, left messages, but she never replied.

From the information he had been able to gather thanks to his brother, the infamous weekend, her plan was to tell him that she had resign, therefore, she didn’t need to go back to Canada. He couldn’t believe he had blown everything up with his stupidity.

When his mother had left with her, they both went to Boston. That he didn’t know. He didn’t know where she was at the time. His mum was also ignoring him.

He had been able to talk to his father. However, the man was less than impress with his son attitude and had made sure to tell him.

It had been the longest and painful conversation he had ever had with him. Four hours on the phone, with his father tell him how irresponsible, stupid, disrespectful and hurtful he had been. His parents were ashamed of him and he was to. His sister also refused to talk to him for a while. However, she had been the first one to let him know that Clytia was okay and that she was in Boston with them.

He had never felt so lonely. He wanted. No, he needed to see her.
Nolam had been standing in front of his family’s house for a while now. He knew he would not be welcomed, but he was ready to endure the anger of his family if it meant he could see his wife.

He took a deep breath, gathering his courage and pressed the doorbell.

Few seconds passed before the door opened to an expressionless Janice.

“Hi mom!” he whispered, but loud enough for her to hear.

She rolled her eyes at him and turned her back, leaving the door open for him to follow her inside as she walked back in. Nolam followed her as she walked them in the kitchen. He stopped as soon as he saw Gordon, his father, at the island.

“Hi dad!”

His father looked bored.
“Look who graced us with his presence today! Isn’t it the husband of the year?”
The sarcasm barely hidden in his word was hurtful.

“Why are you here?” His father asked.

“I … I … I”

“You stutter now! That’s new! Stop acting like a teenager and tell me why you are here Nolam?”

“I’m here to talk to Clytia. I know she came here with mom few weeks ago.”

“And why is that? To finish what you started?”

“Dad!” Nolam let out, barely containing his despair, his hand running wild in his hair already unruly. “I screwed up! Big! That I know. But she is my wife! We can work it out.”

“Is that so? I would have beat the shit out of your stupid head if you hadn’t been my kid!”

“You don’t know how sorry I am dad.”
His dad walked towards him and stood right in front of him, his eyes sending daggers.

“I love that girl like my own kid. She had been nothing but good to you. And you couldn’t handle yourself properly?”

“I was drunk!”

“Oh! So being drunk justify your behavior?”

“I never said that!” Nolam seethed, taking a step back from his father.
Gordon had never been a violent man. But it was evident that he was pissed at the moment with his eyebrows frowned and his lips in a thin line.

“Dad! She is my wife! Mine! If you cannot help me with her, it’s okay. I will find a way to have her forgive me. You, of all the people, should understand that we all make mistakes!”

“You better be careful about what comes out of that mouth!” his father roared, slamming his fist on the counter.

It was that moment that his mother chose to intervene.

“Calm down Gordon.” She started, a soothing hand on her husband arm, before turning to her son.

“It is your attitude that led you into troubles with your wife, as you like to call her. Even though I am not sure for how long! Be careful with that stupid mouth of yours before I slap some senses into you. I will not tolerate any kind of disrespect. You better apologize to your father now!” She finished with a calm yet deadly tone.

“I am sorry dad. I should not have said what I said.”

“Hm! Now, as for the reason of your presence today, Clytia isn’t here.”

“Mom, I know you came back here with her. I need to talk to my wife. You cannot keep her from me. I cannot wait any longer.”

“Are you calling me a liar?!” Janice breathed out in a low tone.

Nolam knew that tone. The piercing brown eyes of his mother were turning darker. Nothing good could come out. He needed to calm down and let them see how broken he was. He let his eyes fall on the floor.

“You taught me to fight what I want. I love her mom. I love her to death. I can’t lose her. I’m ready to do whatever she wants me to do as long as I can have her back.”

Janice turned to look at her husband.

“He doesn’t deserve to know Janice!” The man let out, still glaring at his son, making Janice sighed.

“She took an apartment downtown. Don’t make me regret giving you her address.” She said

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