2- My feisty shifter

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King's POV

I stand in front of my room, listening to the heartbeats inside. A mortal in my room, this must be Lucius's gift for my upcoming birthday. I sigh as I press my thumb onto the fingerprint scanner and a faint 'click' is heard as the door is unlocked. I push it open before stepping into the room, immediately noticing a girl sitting on my bedroom floor.

Her rose blonde hair surrounds her face and falls down to her shoulders while her violet colored eyes glow in the red light from the sunset outside. A white simple dresse hugs her body perfectly. She's so beautiful, she looks so much alike an angel. Not even the fallen angels that live in this castle can match her beauty.

Almost as if on queue the girl gets up and walks over to me with a note in her hand. I grab the note, quickly unfolding it before reading it out loud.

"I bought you a special gift, a shifter and I know it's not your birthday yet but see this as an early present." I glance over at the girl before averting my eyes back to the note, "She's a feisty one but I think you'll like her. Happy b-day." At the bottom of the note random numbers are seen, her code I'm guessing. I groan as I crease the paper before tossing it towards my trash bin by the desk.

I reach out my hand indicating that I want her wrist. Her eyes stare at me cautiously before streching out her wrist, I grab a hold of it before fishing out my phone from my pocket. I scan her wrist before pressing in the code.

Information that really isn't of any use to me pops up on my phone. I scan through the information, not really caring what it says. I can always just ask her if I want. One thing catches my eye, there's no information on her blood type. My gaze wanders from my phone over to the girl.

"Blood type?" I ask as one of my brows lifts upwards in a questioning motion. She stares at me for a while before shrugging.

"Really, my blood matches with every blood there is." she says, her eyes looking straight into mine. I wrinkle my brows in confusion, that's absolutely impossible. No this can't be possible, better have a taste.

"Give me your arm, I want a taste." I say as I reach out my hand, waiting for her to do as she was told.

"No." she exclaims as she clutches her hands closer to her body. I rise a brow in a challenging way.

"Did you just disobey your master?" I question. She nods her head and steps further away from me, almost hissing. A laugh escapes my lips before I use my vampire speed and grab a hold of her wrist, bringing it close to my lips. As my fangs grow and come closer to her skin she shifts. A small black kitten lands beside my feet as I stare at her in awe. No bones cracking, no hair growing out of every pore and no body parts shifting place. I've always found shifters more elegant and magnificent than werewolves. They shift so effortlessly.

But the thing is, shifters have been extinct for over a hundred years. So where did she come from. It seems as if this girls has got my attention, I want to know more about her.

Quickly she runs between my feet and under the bed. I put back my phone into my pocket.

I get on all four and crawl over to the bed. Before she can run further under the bed I grab a hold of her hind leg, dragging her out from under the bed as she shifts back.

"Fine, your blood can remain a mystery." I groan as I watch her shift back. I'm actually impressed, she's the first pet I've had to disobey me. "For now." I say with a smirk as her eyes widen.

"Name?" I ask while glancing at her as I walk to my desk. Silence fills the room, I turn around to see the girl staring at her feet.

"Seriously, you have the answer right on your phone" she answers as she looks up at me.

She really is feisty. I roll my eyes at her before opening up my phone again. She doesn't have a name.Well her not having a name doesn't really bother me, she was probably just a orphan without a name or something. Pets without names are actually really common.

As silence fills the room names start to flow through my head, searching for the right name to call her. I have never really cared so much about the names of my pets but suddenly if feels more important to give her a proper name than it actually is.

"Aurora..." I mumble to myself, finally I have found a name that fits her. "Your name is Aurora now." I say and she seems so be rather pleased with the name.

I walk over to my walk-in closet, picking up a pillow and a blanket before walking into the room again. Aurora quietly stands on the floor by the bed, her eyes focused on the window. I walk past her, over to one of my two couches. I lay the blanket and pillow on the couch before turning to Aurora.

"Come here." I order as I point to the couch.

"Why?" she asks as her eyes narrow into a thin line. A sigh escapes my lips.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I groan. That's all it takes before she stumbles her way over to me and sits down on the couch. Her focus is entirely on me.

"I have some rules for you to follow." I start, "Never leave this room without permission and behave as a proper pet around people." I say, hoping that she will follow these rules.

An Angel in the DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon