40- No...

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Xander's POV

I sit by my desk as I scan through the pile of papers on it. I groan as I let go of my pen and let it fall onto the table. I stare at the text filled papers before groaning once again. I sigh in relief as a knock is heard on the door. 

As I open the door, Ethan is revealed in the doorway. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask with a small smile on my lips. He gives me a sheepish smile before answering. 

"I brought a guest." I raise my brow at his words as I stare at him for a while, waiting for him to tell me who he brought with him. No name comes out of his mouth. 

"Who?" I ask after a long time of eye contact. 

"You'll see... Just go inside and wait," he snickers with a wide smile. I shrug my shoulders and turn around, letting my brother bring in a random person into my room. For some reason, as he shuts the door after him, I feel something tinge in my heart. "You can turn around now," he says. 

As I turn around my eyes meet with a pair of purple ones. For the first time since she got bought a smile is plastered on her lips, my whole life I thought that fallen angels had the most gorgeous smiles but today she proved me wrong. My heart explodes with unknown emotions before I avert my gaze towards Ethan and one emotion takes over... anger. 

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" I scream as I feel my eyes turn crimson red, "you were supposed to keep her down in the basement so she wouldn't find out!" I scream, not caring who hears me. 

All of a sudden I feel my heart, break into a thousand pieces, snapping me out of my anger. My eyes travel back to Aurora's who are filled with hot tears. 

"What?" her soft and broken voice whispers before her eyes meet with Ethan's, "You knew and you let him put down there?!" her voice becomes louder but cracks at the end. More tears stream down her cheeks. Ethan's eyes fall to the floor in shame.

"Yes..." his voice fades away. 

For a long while, Aurora's gaze travels from Ethan to me and back to Ethan. In her eyes, something snaps and she storms out of the room. Neither Ethan nor I move for a while, not until the danger of her running around alone in the halls without a collar, hits us. I sprint towards the room but Aurora is nowhere to be seen and her scent is as good as gone. 

"She's gone," I sigh before turning around to face Ethan, "She left." Sadness takes over and I feel my heart, ache more than when my father died. 

"You didn't really expect her to stay, did you?" 

I look back at the closed door and sigh in defeat. 


Ethan leaves me in my lonely misery as I bury my head in my pillow. Right now I don't know whose heartbreak I'm feeling, hers or mine. 

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I take it all back. I regret it all. I'm an idiot, undeserving of your kindness, loyalty and definitely not your love. 

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