16- You will pay for this

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Xander's POV

I walk towards my room but stop once I hear that all too familiar high pitched voice, calling my name. I glance to the side and see Hazel with her blonde hair falling around her shoulders, running towards me. A quiet groan escapes my lips. 

This girl can't get it through her thick head that what happened between us was a mistake. We had a 'one night stand' and suddenly she started walking around telling everyone we were together even though I told her that I'm not interested. 

"Xandy! Where have you been?" she asks while stepping closer to me, closer than I'd prefer. I open my mouth, about to respond but never get the chance, "Nevermind, I thought that maybe we could, you know, have some fun." She says, trying to sound seductive while her hand lands on my chest, threatening to unbutton my shirt. I shake her off as I start walking away.

"Not interested." Her jaw drops like I haven't rejected her about a hundred times before. I hear her heels follow me and an irritated sigh falls out of my mouth. 

"Are you cheating on me? Is that why your needs always are fulfilled?" I almost laugh at her questions. 

"I can't cheat on someone if I'm not in a relationship." A huff escapes from Hazel's lips. 

"We-we're in a relationship!" she exclaims. I roll my eyes, frustration taking over me. 

"No, we're not," I grumble in between clenched teeth as I step closer to my door, opening it before walking inside. I try to shut the door before Hazel can get in but she manages to slink inside. Before I can stop it a quiet sigh leaves my lips. Hazel stands in front of me with her hands on her hips, trying her best to start some kind of fight. 

"Who is giving you these silly thoughts?!" Her scream could deafen a human, I roll my eyes.

How many times do I have to explain the same thing? 

"NO ONE HAZEL!" I can barely contain myself from ripping her throat out. "I JUST DON'T LIKE YOU, LIKE AT ALL!" I grab ahold of her neck while pushing her against the nearest wall. 

"Baby, just tell me who is doing this to you and I'll make them stop." She whispers as her thumb softly rubs against my cheek. I slap it away from me as I back away from her. My head snaps to the side as the bathroom door opens and out walks Aurora with hair still damp from the shower she must have just walked out of. Her eyes go from me to Hazel as she narrows her brows in confusion. "SHE! SHE IS THE ONE DOING THIS TO YOU, ISN'T SHE?!" Hazel screams, her eyes turning red. 

"She's my pet, even if she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to do anything." Trying to keep Aurora out of this seems to be impossible. 

"A mortal, I thought you'd have better taste than that." She growls while I motion to Aurora to get behind me. My property getting damaged again isn't going to happen, I don't have the time nor want to fix her up if she gets damaged. I can hear a thousand questions go through Aurora's mind, questions I don't have time to answer nor know how to answer them. 

"I do, that's why I don't date you," I say, "Now get out of here!" I bark. Hazel's eyes move from me before averting to the girl behind me, she points a finger against Aurora.

"You WILL pay for this!"

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