45- Old scars

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Aurora's POV

I don't remember how I got here or even when I got here, I don't even know how long I've been here. All I know and care about is that I'm laying in Xander's bed with him right in front of me, his fingers tangled in my hair. The sun outside has set and instead, moonlight shines in through the window.

"Thanks for the help, I don't think I would've finished that fast," Xander whispers while his hand moves from my hair and down to my cheek, his thumb slowly stroking against my warm skin. 

"No problem," I smile. 

Xander's silver eyes explore my features before they fall down to my neck. His fingers travel even further down, all the way to my scars that burn pleasantly at his touch. He stares at the marks for a long, long time, inspecting and analyzing them carefully. 

"I could make these go away if you want," he whispers while his hand goes back to playing with my rose blonde locks. 

"You'd do that for me?" 

A small smile travels across his lips as his hand lays still in my hair. "Of course," he smiles as he sits up and walks over to the bathroom, "Change into your dress, then come in here," he says over his shoulder before he disappears into the room. 

I take off my jeans and hoodie before my white dress appears on my body. I lay my clothes neatly on the edge of the bed before I walk after Xander, into the bathroom. Xander stands with his back towards the sink as he leans on it slightly. He motions for me to sit on the bathtub and I do. 

"This won't hurt," he says as he comes closer to me and kneels down before me. He grabs onto my hair and moves it out of the way. He brings one of his wrists closer to his mouth and bites down on it before rubbing his wounded wrist on my neck. Warmth spreads throughout my entire body. Xander grabs a small towel and then he wipes all the blood away from my neck, observing my skin. 

"Are they gone?" 

"Yup," he smiles as he nods his head. I grab ahold of his hands and bring him closer to me.

"Thank you," I whisper as our lips almost touching.

"Anything for you," he breathes before clearing his throat and leaning away. His head sinks and a long sigh leaves his lips. He stands up and looks at me as he stretches out his hand for me to take, "Let's go to bed." 


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