13- Maybe I was wrong

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Aurora's POV

I sit on the window bay, looking out the window while longing to be free. The sun is fighting the horizon, trying to break the surface and let its sun rays shine on the world while it covers the sky with beautiful colors.

 Xander's room is dark and quiet, empty even. Xander is in a meeting like he has been the whole week, leaving me alone with nothing to do. I would rather clean this whole room than just sit around all day, I even offered to clean it but Xander declined. 

'You would probably break something of mine' he said when I offered, and I must say, I feel offended. I always helped Ryan, the pet shop owner to clean the store and I never broke a thing. 

Although today, Xander told me to 'watch tv' and I'm not quite sure what 'tv' is but I have observed every single thing in this room and I don't find anything amusing enough to stare at it. But I know I'm missing some kind of important piece of information because nothing in this room is so entertaining that I would stare at it all day, not even the strange black phone hanging on the wall. It's too big to hold so, why would Xander even need it? 

The door opens, startling me into shifting into my black kitten. I make myself as small as possible when I notice that the person isn't Xander but actually a woman. Her golden eyes meet mine, a soft smile appears on her lips. 

"Well hello little kitty, have you seen Xander's new pet?" she asks with an annoying baby voice as she walks towards me, "Xander told me she would tell me where her dress is so that I can wash it." I tilt my head to the side, she does seem nice. 

I shift back into my human form, my black hoodie and light blue jeans hugging my body. Her eyes widen into the size of tennis balls as her jaw drops to the floor. Before she can utter a single word I jump down from the window bay and walk over to to the closet. 

"It's in here." I say while pointing towards the closet. She snaps out of her state and walks towards me before walking into the closet. With the dress in her hands, she walks out, horror in her eyes. 

"Whose blood?" her voice shakes as her hands tremble. 

"Mine." I say with a shrug of the shoulders, "but I'm okay now." I add once I see the horror-filled expression on Clairy's face. She runs over to me before throwing one of her arms around my shoulders, hugging me tightly. 

"If you ever need me, I'm in room 6002" she whispers into my ear before letting go of me and walking out of the room with the dress in her hands. 

So far I've met two nice vampires, maybe this place isn't so bad after all. Maybe I was wrong and judged everyone too quickly. Ryan was always nice, I should've realized he wasn't the only nice vampire in the world.

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