14- An explanation

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Aurora's POV

In a couple of minutes, Xander will leave again for another meeting but before he does I have a question for him. 

I sit on the window bay once again as I watch Xander get ready for his meeting like always he wears his formal clothing. 

"Xander?" I call, his eyes never leaving the tie he's tying. 

"Hm?" he hums. 

"Yesterday you told me to watch tv... what's a tv?" I ask, making his head snap up from his tie and over to me. Shock lingers in his eyes as he stares at me. 

"You don't know what a tv is?" he exclaims as I shake my head. "You're joking, right?" he asks with disbelief in his voice, I shake my head again. 

"I've lived in that shop, practically my whole life. A tv wasn't first priority." 

"Not even in pet school, no film or anything?!" he really doesn't believe my words which really pisses me off.

"No! Now tell me what it is!" I shout making Xander flinch, he wasn't prepared for me to snap at him as I did. His eyebrows rise at my outburst before falling into a natural position. A long sigh leaves Xander's lips before he points towards the big black phone, hanging on the wall. 

"That's the tv."

"The big phone? Is that what a tv is?" I ask as I stare at the tv. 

Really, the big phone is tv? How could I have not figured it out? 

"Big phone? Is that what you call it?" Xander's rumbling laughter fills the room, "Well I guess it does look a bit like a giant phone." he chuckles as he calms himself down. 

"And how does it work exactly?" I ask while emphasizing on 'how'. Xander walks over to his side of the bed before he picks up a black box-like thing with lots of buttons on it.

"This is the remote for the tv, when you want to turn on the tv push on the red button, same goes for when you want to turn it off. Press on the red button with an 'N' on it to open my films app or just watch whatever channel is on the tv." Xander explains as he shows me the remote. I stare at the black thing in utter confusion. 

"What does the 'N' stand for?"

"Now Book. It's like a collection of all movies ever made in Lyiethal AND Slephis. All new movies that have come out are there too." he says as excitement fills me, I can watch some movies from Slephis and actually get to see the cities I love to read about.

(Reminder: Lyiethal our dimension and Slephis is the old human dimension.)

"How does the remote work again?" I ask.

"Ethan and Clairy can explain when they get here while I go to my meeting." he says before laying the remote on the foot of his bed. 

"Hold up, what?!" I shout, "Why are they coming here?"

"Ethan wanted to check you up and Clairy... I don't know, she wanted to know something about you or some shit like that." he says as he walks over to the door leading out of the room. "Cya later!" he exclaims before shutting the door behind him and leaving me alone in his dark room.

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