6- One ounce of happiness

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Aurora's POV

Once Ethan left the room, Xander and I have been sitting quietly staring at each other. My body trembles under his gaze. Xander holds a big smirk on his lips as he stares at me, his fangs showing. My heart thunders in my chest as he gets up and takes a seat by my feet. 

He likes to see me so afraid of him.

"Will you follow my rules from now on?" Xander asks as he takes a hold of my foot, a way of showing that he is in control. I nod frantically, wanting all this to be over. "Good." he says as he gets up, a sigh leaves my lips as he does.

"A slave will come by any minute with your new clothes, make sure to open the door for him." Xander says as he walks over to the bathroom. All tension leaves my shoulders as Xander disappears behind the door.

Not even minutes pass before a soft knock comes from the door. I jump out of the couch, my knees bending slightly under me before I regain my balance. I open the door, a guy about 17 years old (maybe even older than me) standing in front of me. I give him a soft smile as his cheeks slightly redden before I take the brown paper box from his hands.


I close the door before walking over to the couch, placing the box on it. I open the box, looking through the clothes. They are so beautiful, even though he just got me some jeans, hoddies, crop-tops, and tank-tops. Although, how did he get my exact measurements? I let go of the clothes before I walk over to the window bay, jumping up on the bay. I bring my knees up to my chest as I look out the window. 

Outside humans are running around, playing with their children or dogs. Even though the air is cool they still seem to enjoy running around in beach clothing. That must be nice, being free. 

A smile appears on my lips as I watch the happy family. A warm feeling fills my chest when I see a little boy smile as his father lifts him up onto his shoulders. I'm happy for them, at least they have it good. 

My smile vanishes quickly as the bathroom door opens, revealing a half-naked Xander. His hair is still wet from his shower as his towel hangs dangerously low around his hips. His silvery eyes staring at me, I shift my gaze away from him and back to the happy family. His footsteps come closer until he stands right beside me, looking down at the family as well. A sigh leaves my lips. 

"How did you get my measurements?" I ask, looking up at Xander, studying his features. His gaze rips away from the humans before landing on me. 

"My phone." he answers without any further explanation, still gazing over me. As he studies my features his eyes land on the mark on my neck. I growl at his hand when he tries to touch it.

"Oh, come on! You can't be that mad over such a small bite." Xander groans as he rolls his eyes. Anger flows from my chest throughout my whole body. 

"Small?! You call this small?!" I yell as I point to my neck. A smirk travels to Xander's lips as his hand goes to the mark on my neck again.

"Yes, I was really gentle." he laughs with a baby voice as he cups my face with only one hand. I smack his hand away as a low growl escapes my throat. He laughs before leaving my side as he walks over to his closet. He comes out with his typical black suit on. 

Does he ever wear anything else?

"No, I don't." Xander says. 

Did I say that out loud?

"You know I can hear your thoughts, right? I know they taught you that in Pet school." my eyes go wide. Right, that's one of Xander's vampire abilities.

I forgot about that. How could I forget something I got an 'A' on? I studied and repeated everything we ever learned every single evening so that I wouldn't forget. Yet, I did. I must be the stress and anxiety of this morning. 

"Are you still stressing over that?" Xander asks baffled by my thoughts. I nod my head slowly. 

"Try being in my position for a day and then tell me you weren't afraid." I say as I rest my head on my knees. Xander studies me for a moment. 

"I'll never understand mortals." he speaks as he walks towards the door leading out of the room. I roll my eyes at him. 

Ever tried empathizing with one? I don't say anything knowing he heard my statement as he lets out a chuckle before shaking his head. That's what I thought. 

Xander leaves the room, locking the door behind him before his footsteps disappear into the distance. 

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