Chapter IV

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Third Person's Perspective

The mad scientist was steadily picking up the grapes, squeezing them dry when he saw the older Oki carry a huge pot with the berries and started stomping on them like there's no tomorrow.

"Okay, you can do all the grunt work from now on." He said while looking at him. "That makes more sense."


Day after day, week after week, they did this for days, never ending. Until they have reached the day that they drained it down to filter the wine.


"Three weeks." Senku said. "That should do it."

Taiju poured the concrete pot filled with grape wine to a makeshift sifter. "You know, Senku," He called. "This would count as underage drinking though."

Senku had some wine poured into his concrete cup. "Not a problem!" He laughed as he raised the wine filled cup. "We're well over three thousand seven hundred years old."

"Oh, you're right!" Taiju exclaimed as he laughed. He took the small pot of filtered wine and tasted it, spitting it out in the process.

Senku drank his wine like it was nothing. "It's better than I thought it would be." He said, happily. "Though it's ten billion times worse than what's on the market."

"I never knew it was so easy to make wine with just grapes." The older Oki exclaimed.

"One step at a time." The Mad scientist said, putting his cup of wine down. "Things are about to get a little more tedious, though." He continued, putting his hand just above his forehead runing his hand through his gravity defying hair, cracking his neck. "Distilling wine for dummies, starting with brandy."


Outside the treehouse, in the forest, the younger Oki was a coughing mess, clutching her chest, covering her mouth as if she doesn't want anyone to hear her. "I don't know if I could hold out much longer." She mumbled all to herself. 'We don't have time for this, I don't have time for this. 


They spend days and nights. Without resting, distilling the wine. Working hard in their utmost best.

The female didn't pushed herself even further, to the point that she'll actually get to that last point of coughing.

The two boys didn't even notice her struggling and going out in the forest much. She's showing symptoms of coughing, but never to the two, not wanting to make them worry for her. Like she said, 'We don't have time for this.'

In the winter, she didn't go out of the tree house but instead, she stayed in bed to rest for a while. Until the day came when they finally made Nital.


Experiment after experiment. Failure after failure. They tried, the three of them did and never gave up. Another experiment plus failure happened.

"Damn!" The younger Oki exclaimed.

"Watch your language, (n/n)." The older one calmly said. "I know how frustrated you are."

Senku kicked one of the pots.

They're on the brink of giving up

Until a feather was free from petrification.


The three of them went outside when the sun was up. Senku placed one of the sparrows on the ground, then, poured the solution unto it.

"Let me teach you big oaf." He said. "It's not that there are things that science can explain." He continued as the petrified bird started cracking. "You look for the rules behind those things."

"Science is just the name for the steady, pain in the ass effort that goes into doing it." (Y/n) continued. Then, the sparrow statue broke, first letting the eyes be seen.

The Senku smirked as it cracked from top to bottom, then, it finally broke free, flying so gracefully unto the bright blue sky. The three of them looked at the flying sparrow, as it flies all around.

"Woah!" Taiju screamed out of satisfaction due to the success of their experiments.

Senku sat down. He was exhausted, and at the same time, relieved. "One year since we started experimenting." He mumbled to himself. "It didn't take long as I thought." He looked up at the sky and smiled. "It's a slow and steady effort."

"I'm going to beat fantasy with science."

"So Senku, who are we reviving first?" Taiju asked.

"Huh?" He said, looking at Taiju, rubbing his neck. "We're gonna wake up everyone eventually. Why does it matter who we start with?"

"Although it would suck if we revived a murder though . . ." (Y/n) said, biting her thumb nail, imagining a person rioting around killing the three of them. Then, she sighed.

"I see."

Senku looked at Taiju and made a guess and sighed. "I don't feel like choosing who we wake up." He said, standing up. "Taiju, it's your choice." He pointed at the said boy.

"Thank you, Senku." The older Oki smiled at the mad scientist. "My answer is obvious."

The younger Oki looked at the two of them, knowing what they're gonna do. "Well, I'm staying here." She said, as she coolly put both of her arms behind her head, just above her nape.

"Okay, suit yourself." Senku replied as the two of them went to the certain camphor tree, where the Older Oki's love is, still petrified.


"The time has finally come." Taiju exclaimed, looking at the petrified female. "The water's gonna undo the petrification and revive her right?" He said, looking at the mad scientist who was holding the Nital inside the concrete.

"Yeah, it should." Senku replied, looking at the fluid he's holding. "I tried it on a piece of shattered statue and it turned back into a corpse." He continued as he smirked menacingly.

"You're so disrespectful!" Taiju yelled at the smirking boy.

"I did try putting all the pieces back together first," He clarified. "But it looks like you can't save someone once they're dead." He continued, twirling the small concrete container. "They made a noble sacrifice. Send up a prayer or something."

"Right!" Taiju said as he clapped his hands together and murmured  'rest in peace'  several times.


"La La la la la . . ." The girl mumbled, lying down on the floorboards of the treehouse the two made.


"What's taking them too long? I hope they didn't die out there." (Y/n) was sitting down while eating the grapes she hid, talking to herself. "Oops," She covered her mouth with her fingers. "That's a curse." She sighed.

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now