Chapter XXII

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3rd person's perspective

"So you see, Suika." Kohaku explained. "This man called Tsukasa is the one behind Senku's murder." 

Senku chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Though I'm not dead."

"He's seriously bad news." Chrome exclaimed, leaning forward. "He wants to stop the scientific progress, and he didn't think twice about killing Senku to do it."

"I told you, I'm not dead." He looked at Chrome with an annoyed smile on his face.

(Y/n) was lying down on her stomach on the floor in between Suika and Kohaku. "Actually, when you think about it, Senku." (Y/n) said, calling everyone's attention. "He did give you a second chance to join him." She sighed. "You kidnapped me, even though I wanna come with Onii-Chan." She pouted.

"So that Tsukasa person is a bad man and Gen is with him?" Suika started ranting. "Then, Gen is a bad person! Wait . . . But Gen saved us from Magma. He's a good person!"

Senku chuckled, looking at Suika. "He's neither a good nor a bad person." Senku said, stopping Suika's rant

"He's just a thoroughly shallow bat of a man." Kohaku said, agreeing with Senku.

"I still think Asagiri-San is a good person though." (Y/n) said, puffing her cheeks.

"It doesn't matter whether Asagiri Gen is a good or a bad guy." He stated. "We need him to be on the side of the kingdom of science."

"We'll have him make a false report to Tsukassan that Senku's dead and I'm still nowhere to be found and that is the only way we can wing this." (Y/n) said, sitting down properly, getting a little serious. "Still  . . . I don't really like the idea of this, what if he revived a person who's almost as strong as him and come here looking for this village?"

Now, everyone looked at her with faces full of disbelief and shock. As if they were saying 'Are you serious'. 

"What?" She asked, raising her hands in a surrendering gesture. "It's just a theory, there's nothing wrong with . . ." She trailed off, remembering all of the times she hypothesized something to happen. Like for example, one time when she was at the soccer field, she said something that jinxed their practice game. 'If Miya-Senpai's gonna break a leg there, it ain't my fault.' It was because she saved the female scientist from falling down the stairs while running. And you guessed it. She did break a leg. She was suspended from her club activities for a whole month. "Oh, I jinxed it."

Senku sighed. "No, It's fine." He said. "You're not a jinx. It's just that your theories are very accurate, it's scary." He laughed and continued to explain everything. "R'you the descendant of Murphy or something?"

"Waaah, I knew I shouldn't have said that!" slapped her eyes with both of her hands in embarrassment. "I shouldn't have thought of that either!"

Then, Chrome stood up, walking towards the shed's door and shouted. "Hear that Gen?" He exclaimed. "You saw it didn't you? Electricity? The insane light of science? Who cares about who wins?" 

"Hey, breathe." (Y/n) mumbled, getting a little tired.

"Who gives a damn about whether Tsukasa or Senku has the upper hand?" hen, Chrome smirked. "The kingdom of science is just way more fun!"

Gen stopped walking away for a moment and looked at him with a smile. "Gosh, you're so passionate, young man." He said. "But too bad, though. I don't have what you do, Chrome-Chan." He shrugged. "I'm the most superficial man on earth. All I care about is whether or not something will benefit me." He was about to walk away until he realized something, making him stop. "(Y/n)-Chan." He called.

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now