Chapter XXVIII

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3rd person's Perspective

'Gen bought sixty seconds.' Senku thought. 'It's up to you now, Chrome.'

"Sixty seconds is under ideal conditions." (Y/n) clicked her tongue, biting her thumb. "Even just the rippling water on the lens can throw it off." She looked away from the math, feeling all frustrated with everything.

'Crap.' Chrome thought. 'There's no way to keep the tip perfectly still.' He breathed steadily, trying to calm his shaking limbs. 'Calm your mind.' He closed his eyes. When he opened it again, He's as calm as ever. Then, for a moment, he's completely still.

Then, Magma's clothes started to burn a little.

Senku smirked. "Pat it." He said.

"What is this?" He muttered, patting his clothes making the fire spread through his clothing

"A surface flash fire." Senku smirked, looking at Magma.

"It's really satisfying to see it." (Y/n) said, mesmerized by the fire, not even caring about the burning human in front of her.

Kohaku looked at both of them, listening to Senku's explanation.

"The flame spreads instantly across the surface of fluffy clothing." He said.

Magma was on the ground, trying to clear up the fire by rolling around, still patting it.

"Hey, Magma, relax." Chrome smirked, looking at the burning male before him. "I have no intention of becoming a murder. I'll do you the kindness of helping you." He pushed him at the edge of the cliff to that certain spot where the sun doesn't shine.

Everyone was shocked. The Magma got defeated by a weakling named Chrome.

Jasper's eyes widened, then, He gave Chrome a soft expression. "Winner . . ." He started, raising his hand at the male. "Chrome!"

"Yeah!" He cheered. "Magma's down!"

Everyone cheered.

"Which means the last contestants are . . ." Suika trailed off.

"Senku, Chrome. and Ginro-Chan." Gen continued her sentence.

"Chrome!" Ruri cheered, looking at the male before him.

"They're all on our side!" Suika exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Yeah!" Senku said as they all ran towards Chrome.

"Total victory for the Kingdom of science!" (Y/n) exclaimed.


"We'll leave the village, for now." Gen said, walking through the bridge with (Y/n) behind him. "You wouldn't want to have to deal with an outsider who aren't contestants right, Kinro-Chan?"

"Senku, We'll tell you after you're the village chief." (Y/n) said, looking back at him.

Then, when they were about to go away, Senku pulled (Y/n) away from Gen. "Hold it." He said.

"Ishigami-Sensei?" She muttered.

"You stay." He said. "Gen can't take care of you alone."

"Well then, I guess it'll just be me." Gen muttered to himself, letting out a small laugh.


"Match two of the semi-finals will now begin." Jasper Began as Senku and Ginro walked towards the arena. "Senku versus Ginro. Both contestants, forward!"

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now