Chapter XIX

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3rd Person's perspective

The next day, they were all gathered to a field of foxtail millets where the little girl gets it for her dog, Chalk.

Again, (Y/n) was with them, this time, she's neither tied up or on a leash like she used to.

Kohaku harvested most of them, Having two baskets full of the said grain. And when they were done, they went back to the area where Chrome's Shed was placed.

Senku grabbed a bunch of them and smirked. "We're making gourmet survival food from scratch." He said, bashing them on a rock. "Now that's exhilarating."

They were all helping him beat the millet, getting the husks.

"We aren't actually eating this, are we?" Kohaku asked, looking at the grains they're beating. "I think I'll pass."

"We're whacking the hell out of it to take the husk it so we can eat it." Senku answered, continuing to bash the millet. 

"Foxtail millets are genuine grains." (Y/n) lectured, just standing there, placing the husks of the millet on her clothes. "It's a primitive millet."

When they were done, they put the unhusked millets on two baskets.

Kohaku looked at it and made a face. "It looks mighty nasty." She said.

"It's covered in furry stuff." Suika said.

"What are you gonna do with it, Senku?" (Y/n) asked looking at it.

"You'll see." He chuckled.

Chrome was panting, carrying a huge jar on his shoulders. walking towards them. When he got there, He dropped it on the ground and sat down, still panting.

Kohaku went to get the basket and poured the foxtail millets in the water.

Senku mixed it in one direction, Making the foxtail's hair stay on the surface while the millets sink.

Kohaku was grinding it, crushing it finely into dust, making flour. 

"Yes!" (Y/n) exclaimed, punching the air. "Flour acquired!"

They all did a high-five.

"Now," Senku said, surprisingly having two eggs with him. "Toss in wild bird eggs, and tenderize it using potassium carbonate." He cracked the eggs and poured it along with another ingredient. "It's a dish of science, discovered accidentally by some nameless Mongolian around the fourth century." He continued, then, looked at the male scientist behind him. "Chrome," He called. "I guess there was some crazy nut like you who would try anything." Senku chuckled, still kneading the dough. Then, he stopped, letting it vibe around the side for a while. 

When it was ready, He made it flat and folded it. Then, he cut it into strips in perfect symmetrical order. Then, he added the ingredients and some extra herbs for more flavor. 

Then, they cooked it. "Thi-This scent . . ." Kohaku and Chrome exclaimed, smelling it.

"Senku!" (Y/n) called. "Is that what I think it is?!" She exclaimed with sparks in her eyes.

"Yes, it is, Mini oaf." He replied, getting a primitive bowl and a bamboo soup laddle. "We had a name for this stupidly good scientific food three thousand seven hundred years ago." He said, pouring the broth inside it. Then, he went to get chopsticks and put the pasta inside along with some other ingredients.

"We call it ramen." (Y/n) continued his sentence as Senku presented the final product.

Senku served it to everyone. 

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now