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3rd Person's Perspective

Then, They've started remodeling the waterwheel. They made bigger gears and the villagers helped carry it to the river and started building the hydroelectric generator. Then, they all looked at it with an amazed expression on their faces when it started moving.

"With gears and a waterwheel, the age of manpower is over."Senku started, looking at the generator with a satisfied expression. "With an infinite contraption that requires no fuel . . ." As it spun, he took two wires and put the two closer, making electricity. "We're finally harnessing the power of nature." He smirked.

That made everyone shocked.

"We're overcoming manpower and entering the age of energy!" Senku exclaimed.

(Y/n) had this soft expression n her face while looking at Senku.

Gen noticed this and walked closer to her. "It's amazing, huh?" He said, catching the female's attention. "Let me rephrase that. He's amazing, isn't he?" He said in a teasing manner.

Her face went flushed. "I'm not impressed by that science nerd, Gen-San!" She exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her, making the mentalist chuckle.

Kohaku directed her attention towards the two modern people beside each other. One was a blushing mess and one was laughing in a cute manner. That made her sigh and think for a while. 'I thought it was Senku and (Y/n). But She and Gen?' She thought.

When Senku Saw this, He looked at them with that look and sighed. It took a while to do something he would usually do when the mentalist and her best friend get too close. He walked towards the two of them and dragged the female back. "Come on, let's go back." He said with an annoyed tone of voice. "We'll discuss matters there."

That made everyone sweat-drop and went back to the shed.


"We'll be making batteries, huh." (Y/n) said, having that expression Yuzuriha only does when she gets dumbfounded.

Senku and (Y/n) were standing in front of Kaseki and Chrome doing glassware. And when they were done, They put two sheets of lead with wire inside the glass and filled it with Sulfuric acid.

"To make a box for storing electricity, a battery, all we need to do is dip two sheets of lead in our old two-faced goddess friend, Ryu-San." Senku said.

"Ryu-San?" Gen muttered, looking at it curiously. Then, it came into his mind. "Ah, Sulfuric acid."

"Send electricity to this, and it'll store power on its own." Senku chuckled. "It's simpler than you'd think, huh?"

"It's not simple." Chrome muttered. "This is pretty brutal." He said with an exhausted face.

"Make five more of these and you're done." (Y/n) stated. "Pretty simple, actually. IF you can do it without electrocuting yourself." She smiled in a sweet manner.

"Please don't say things like that with a smile on your face." Chrome said in a nervous manner.

"Don't you think the crafts team has been working a bit too hard lately?" Kaseki said.


When they were done, they connected it to the Generator.

Ginro walked towards it and touched the wire. "Is it really being stored in these tiny containers?" He muttered. "All the pinning power from those disk---" He got cut off when he got electrocuted while touching the tip.

Senku, Suika, Kohaku, and (Y/n) looked at him. "It's definitely there."

"G-Ginro-San?!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a horrified expression on her face. What can you say, she was worried.

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now