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Barry Allen woke up to an empty bed

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Barry Allen woke up to an empty bed.

It was still dark outside and his alarm hadn't gone off yet. He checked his phone only for it to read 4:43 am. A sound coming from outside the closed bedroom door caught his attention and his hero mode was alert. Barry, as fast as his sore body could handle, rushed out of bed to see what had happened to his girlfriend.

He knew that she could normally handle herself, but that didn't mean he didn't worry about her. Alex had the tendency to be reckless in times that were unnecessary. Barry couldn't always complain about it, he did the exact same thing.

The only light that was emitting in the room came from the TV screen. It shone directly onto Alex's pale skin. She was curled up in one of the blankets she had scattered around the apartment. His appearance hadn't been noticed yet and he took the brief moment to admire her.

Her once short hair now went way past her shoulders and touched her collarbones. Barry liked it, then again he would find her beautiful no matter what. Her lips were pouted as she watched the movie, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

After their conversation the previous night, Barry felt a shift in their relationship - not that it was a bad one. He had seen a side of Alex that he never thought he would, she was vulnerable in front of him. She had trusted him enough to be able to see the side of her that she kept hidden for years.

Although their relationship was no where near perfect, they found perfection in each other and it continued to shine through in unexpected times. It was obvious that their connection to one another was deep and it only grew stronger. It was the strength that they both needed to get through hard times like their current one.

"What're you doing up?" Barry asked. He hadn't spooked Alex, she could feel his presence. When there was no reply, he took the spot next to her on the couch. Immediately, she snuggled into his side. Alex rarely showed her affection in word, but rather in touch. "You're watching a rom-com?"

"Couldn't sleep," Alex answered his first question. Barry leaned down to kiss her which she gladly accepted. It was no surprise that she was unable to sleep, she hadn't been able to sleep through the whole night since the singularity accident. "And yes, I'm in a weird mood apparently."

It had been true. Alex woke up feeling different from how she was waking up from her coma. It was almost as if she felt lighter, a wave of relief. She didn't mind the change, it was just something that she wasn't used to feeling.

For months Alex had to convince herself that she felt happy. She knew that Barry, Cisco, and the rest of the gang made her happy but she couldn't quite accept it. Waking up that morning she woke up feeling genuinely happy.

"Nothing wrong with some cheesy romance sometimes," Barry shrugged. He had seen plenty of those movies growing up with Iris. "I'm sure somewhere under that cold exterior of yours there is a hopeless romantic hidden away."

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